Friday, October 11, 2019
Entrance Exam
Virgen Milagrosa University Fondation San Carlos City, Pangasinan College Of Computer Science SY (2012-2013) Entrance examination System of Psu Programmers: Julius Eric S. Tuliao CS II-B Arnel Soriano CS II-B Kenneth Gatpo CS II-B Data Dictionary Database Name : StudInfo Table Name: Table StudInfo Field NameData TypeField SizeDescription ID NumberAutonumberLong IntegerRefers to the ID number of the examinee. NameText28Refers to the name of the examinee. AddressText30Refers to the address of the examinee AgeText15Refers to the age of the examinee.GenderText6Refers to the gender of the examinee. StatusText10Refers to the civil status of the examinee ReligionText25Refers to the religious belief of the examinee Contact NumberNumberLong IntegerRefers to the contact number of the examinee. No. Of CorrectNumberLong IntegerRefers to the number of correct answers of the examinee. Scholarship DiscountText5Refers to the equivalent scholarship discount of the number correct answers of the examin ee. CourseText10Refers to the preferred course of the examinee. Table Name: AdminField NameData TypeField SizeDescription ID NumberAutonumberLong IntegerRefers To the ID number of the administrator UsernameText25Refers to the username of the administrator PasswordText25Refers to the password of the student Screenshots With Description When the user run the system a progressbar will appear when the progressbar is full a message box will be displayed that says that loading is complete. After Clicking the ok button in the message box the homepage will appear. The user will see that at the menu bar there is a File, Help, and Exit menus.The menu File contains the submenus: Administrator and Examinee Under the Help menu is the submenus: About the programmer and about the system which contains the information abut we the programmers and the system. The exit menu allows the user to exit the system but before the user could exit the system a message box will be shown in which he will be ask to confirm exit. This login form will appear once you click the submenu administrator under the File menu. It will then ask the user to enter his/her password and username.After the user enters the correct username and password the administrator form will appear which has four different menus namely: File, Account, View, and Report. The File menu contains the submenu logout which is used to exit the administrator form. The Account menu contains the new account. The View menu contains the View All submenu which allows the user to view all the enlisted information about the examinees. The Report Menu contain the submenus: View All, 100% discount, 75% discount, 50% discount, 25% discount and 0% discount.These submenus allows the user to have a printable copy of the examinees information and he could also choose among the different classification of the examinee who already took the examination. In this form you could add new account that will allow you to have access to the administrat or form. This is the form that shows the enlisted information of the examinees who already took up the examination. It allows the user to edit the information of the examinee (except the number of correct and the scholarship discount) and save it to the database. The user could also delete not needed records.The user could also move from one information to another just by clicking the next, previous, first and last buttons. This form is the about the system form it states the function of our system and other information about the system. This is the about the programmers form it allows the user to browse the information of the programmer of his/her choice by clicking the buttons whose captions corresponds to the name of the programmer. This is the information about one of the programmers of this system Arnel Soriano. This is the information about Kenneth Gatpo. This is the information of Julius Eric Tuliao.This is the data report of all the examinees. This is the information about t he students who has 100% discount on their tuition fees. Screenshots With Codes Codes: Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If (pb. Value) = 16 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"50%†ElseIf txtscore. Text >= 10 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"25%†ElseIf txtscore. Text >= 0 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"0%†End If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. Update Dim a As Integer a = MsgBox(â€Å"Thank You†¦ You Have Just Finished The Entrance Examination†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. AddNew txtnam.Text = frmexamsignin. txtname. Text txtage. Text = frmexamsignin. txtage. Text txtadd. Text = frmexamsignin. txtaddress. Text txtstat. Text = frmexamsignin. cmbstat. Text txtgen. Text = frmexamsignin. cmbgender. Text txtrel. Text = frmexamsignin. txtreligion. Text txtcon. Text = frmexamsignin. txtcontact. Text txtcourse. Text = frmexamsignin. cmbcourse. Text txtscore. Text = 0 framea. Vi sible = True Frameb. Visible = True framec. Visible = False framed. Visible = False cmdsubmit. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub opt1_Click(Index As Integer) cmdsubmit. Visible = True End Sub Private Sub opt2_Click(Index As Integer) mdsubmit. Visible = True End Sub Private Sub opt3_Click(Index As Integer) cmdsubmit. Visible = True End Sub Private Sub optcheck30_Click() cmdsubmit. Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If (Val(lbltimer2) = 0) Then lbltimer1. Caption = Val(lbltimer1) – 1 lbltimer2. Caption = 59 Else lbltimer2. Caption = Val(lbltimer2 – 1) End If If (Val(lbltimer1) = 0 And Val(lbltimer2) = 0) Then Timer1. Enabled = False If optcheck1. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck2. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck3. Value = True Then txtscore.Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck4. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optch eck5. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck6. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck7. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck8. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck9. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck10. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck11.Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck12. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck13. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck14. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck15. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck16. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck17. Value = True Then txtsco re. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck18. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore.Text) + 1 End If If optcheck19. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck20. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck21. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck22. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck23. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck24. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck25. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck26. Value = True Then xtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck27. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck28. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck29. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Te xt) + 1 End If If optcheck30. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If txtscore. Text >= 25 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"100%†ElseIf txtscore. Text >= 19 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"75%†ElseIf txtscore. Text >= 16 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"50%†ElseIf txtscore. Text >= 10 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"25%†ElseIf txtscore.Text >= 0 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"0%†End If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. Update a = MsgBox(â€Å"Sorry your time is up†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End If End Sub Codes: Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() txtname = â€Å"†txtage = â€Å"†txtstat = â€Å"†txtreligion = â€Å"†txtcontact = â€Å"†txtaddress = â€Å"†cmbgender = â€Å"†cmbcourse. Text = â€Å"†End Sub Private Sub cmdhome_Click() frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdsave_Click() Dim a As Integer If txtname. Text = à ¢â‚¬Å"†Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf txtaddress. Text = â€Å"†Then = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf txtage. Text = â€Å"†Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf txtcontact. Text = â€Å"†Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf txtreligion. Text = â€Å"†Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf cmbgender. Text = â€Å"†Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf cmbstat. Text = â€Å"†Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. , vbInformation + vb OKOnly, â€Å"message†) Else cmdtake. Visible = True End If End Sub Private Sub cmdtake_Click() Load frmexam frmexam. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() txtname. Text = â€Å"†txtage. Text = â€Å"†txtaddress. Text = â€Å"†txtreligion. Text = â€Å"†txtcontact. Text = â€Å"†cmbstat. Text = â€Å"†cmbgender. Text = â€Å"†cmbcourse. Text = â€Å"†cmbgender. AddItem (â€Å"Male†) cmbgender. AddItem (â€Å"Female†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Widow†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Married†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Single†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Legally Separated†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSCS†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSED†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSBA†) cmbcourse.AddItem (â€Å"BSENG†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSPHAR†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSDENTISTRY†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSHRM†) cmbcourse. AddItem (à ¢â‚¬Å"BSN†) End Sub Private Sub txtcontact_Change() If Not IsNumeric(txtcontact. Text) Then txtcontact. Text = â€Å"†End If End Sub Codes: Private Sub cdm_Click(Index As Integer) txtpin = txtpin & cdm(Index). Caption End Sub Private Sub cmd_Click() txtpin. Text = Left(txtpin, Len(txtpin) – 1) End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() ‘set the global var to false ‘to denote a failed login LoginSucceeded = False Me. Hide Load frmhomepage frmhomepage. Show End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() Dim a As StringOn Error GoTo record If (DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. BOF = True) And (DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. EOF = True) Then Exit Sub a = MsgBox(â€Å"valid Account or Password†, vbInformation, â€Å"Error†) txtuser. Text = â€Å"†txtpass. Text = â€Å"†Exit Sub End If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. MoveFirst If txtuser. Text = lbla. Caption And txtpass. Text = lblp. Caption Then Load frmadminmenu frmadminmenu. Show Me. Hide txtuser. Text = â€Å"†txtpass. Text = â€Å"†End If Do With DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2 .MoveNext If . EOF Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Invalid Account or Password, try again! â€Å", vbInformation, â€Å"Error†) txtuser.Text = â€Å"†txtpin. Text = â€Å"†Exit Sub ElseIf txtuser. Text = lbla. Caption And txtpass. Text = lblp. Caption Then Load frmadminmenu frmadminmenu. Show Me. Hide txtuser. Text = â€Å"†txtpass. Text = â€Å"†Exit Sub Else End If End With Loop Until (DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. EOF) record: Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() lbla. Visible = False lblp. Visible = False Picture1. Visible = True Picture2. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Picture1. Visible = True Picture2. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer2_Timer() Picture2. Visible = True Picture1. Visible = False End Sub Codes:Private Sub cmdback_Click() frmadminmenu. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() txtPassword = â⠂¬Å"†txtUserName = â€Å"†End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. Update Dim a As String a = MsgBox(â€Å"Your Username and Password has been Saved†) End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. AddNew Picture1. Visible = True Picture3. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Picture1. Visible = True Picture3. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer2_Timer() Picture3. Visible = True Picture1. Visible = False End Sub Codes: Private Sub cmdarnel_Click()Load frmprograma frmprograma. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmderic_Click() Load frmprogramj frmprogramj. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdken_Click() Load frmprogramk frmprogramk. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub home_Click() frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End Sub Codes: Private Sub cmdprogram_Click() Load frmprogram frmprogram. Show Unload Me End Sub Codes: Private Sub admin_Click() frmadminmenu. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdadminmenu_Click() End Sub Private Sub cmddelete_Click() If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF True Then X = MsgBox(â€Å"Are you sure you want to delete this item? , vbYesNo + vbQuestion, â€Å"This data is not recoverable†) If X = vbNo Then Exit Sub Else On Error Resume Next DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. Delete DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveNext If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF = True Then DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveLast End If End If Else X = MsgBox(â€Å"no current record†, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, â€Å"Warning! â€Å") End If End Sub Private Sub cmdedit_Click() txtname. Locked = False txtaddress. Locked = False txtage. Locked = False cmbgender. Locked = False cmbstat. Locked = False txtreligion. Locked = False txtcontact. Locked = False End Sub Private Sub cmdfirst_Click()DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveFirst cmdnext. Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdlast_Click() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveLast cmdprev. Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdnext_Cli ck() Dim a As String If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF = True Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"End of file was encountered†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) cmdnext. Enabled = False Exit Sub Else DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveNext cmdprev. Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub cmdprev_Click() Dim a As String If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. BOF = True Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"beginning of file was encountered†, vbInformation + bOKOnly, â€Å"message†) cmdprev. Enabled = False Exit Sub Else DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MovePrevious cmdnext. Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub cmdsave_Click() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. Update X = MsgBox(â€Å"data Updated†, vbOKOnly + vbInformation) txtname. Locked = True txtaddress. Locked = True txtage. Locked = True txtreligion. Locked = True txtcontact. Locked = True txtcorrect. Locked = True txtdiscount. Locked = True cmbgender. Locked = True cmbstat. Locked = True End Sub Private Sub cmdsearch_ Click() Dim a As Integer Dim search As String On Error GoTo record search = â€Å"†If (DataEnvironment1. sCommand1. BOF = True And DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF = True) Then Exit Sub End If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveFirst search = InputBox(â€Å"Enter Name†, â€Å"Search a record†) If search = txtname. Text Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"record Found†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) End If Do With DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1 .MoveNext If . EOF Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"No record Found†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) Exit Sub ElseIf search = txtname. Text Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"record Found†) Exit Sub Else End If End With Loop Until (DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF) record: Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() txtname.Locked = True txtaddress. Locked = True txtage. Locked = True txtreligion. Locked = True txtcontact. Locked = True txtcorrect. Locked = True txtdiscount. Locked = True cmbgender. Locked = True cmbstat. Locked = True cmbgender. AddItem (â€Å"Male†) cmbgender. AddItem (â€Å"Female†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Single†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Married†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Legally Separated†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Widow†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSCS†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSED†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSBA†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSENG†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSPHAR†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSDENTISTRY†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSHRM†) cmbcourse.AddItem (â€Å"BSN†) End Sub Private Sub homepage_Click() frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End Sub Introduction of entrance examination system Computers greatly enhances the speed and accurate result of counting process. Results could be attained even right after the examinations reducing the time to a simple part compare to the time it takes if the examinations is done manually. Computerize entrance examin ations have the possible to create examinations results with much greater accuracy than traditional paper-based entrance examination system. Computer machines invented to influence us to make our work easier and better.In schools, banks and offices use computerized system in its operations to avoid time consuming and improve competence for the better service. With the help of computerized system people may take their advantages in order to meet their work faster. The world is changing so fast that we need to keep abreast to the fast upgrading of computer technologies to make us more productive. Many schools that conduct examination are using their manual based system up to present. In managing their system, they have encountered difficulties and problems for it is laborious and time consuming.The Guidance Counselor of PANGASINAN STATE UNIVERISITY San Carlos Campus gave the entrance exam to all incoming freshmen in order to test the mental capabilities of every student. In Manual Sys tem, the processing of transactions of the Guidance Counselor may take time consuming in recording, checking and retrieving files of students. If the students did not meet the cut off score in the examination, the student will not be qualified to enroll in the school. This study is about a Local Area Network (LAN) Based examination which allows communication from server to client or vice versa to provide data and to make the task easier
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