Thursday, October 31, 2019
Emergincy Practise Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Emergincy Practise - Research Paper Example The following chart provides information regarding the total capacity of each of these hospitals: The total numbers of fire houses or stations within the region of Chicago are 100 1). The total numbers of fire trucks operating in the region are 60 ( 1). The total numbers of fire fighters that are working for the fire department of the city of Chicago are 4,500 and this figure was reported on Chicago Fire Department’s website that was last updated during the year of 2014 ( 1). The total numbers of ambulances that are operating in the region are 75 providing basic as well as advanced level ambulatory services ( 1). There are a total of 16 police stations located all over Chicago and the total number of police officers that were working for the Chicago Police Department 13, 857 individuals during the period of 2011 (Chicago Police Department
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
System Implementation At Red and Hot Chinese Restaurant Assignment
System Implementation At Red and Hot Chinese Restaurant - Assignment Example HACCP is in line with the ISO 9000 standards in terms of ensuring safe restaurant kitchen operations. It is based on the seven principles recommended by the US National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF). It is defined as a system of controls and documentation designed to minimize the potential for food-borne illness due to pathogens or the physical or chemical combination. (Baraban and Durocher, p. 134) It addresses all biological, chemical and physical hazards and how to identify and control/prevent them. Food safety has become an important public policy issue because of concerns about food-borne illnesses and how consumers have increasingly sought ways to lead healthful lifestyles. (Engle and Quagrainie 2006, p. 151) As a result, authorities are increasingly requiring for food establishments and food handlers to have control on sanitation procedures. Some countries are even formulating laws that are related to food safety and the HACCP system. The entire HACCP processes look and appear very technical and complicated, but the truth is that it is an extremely systematic way of ensuring that food is produced in a kitchen is safe. Based on initial research, the HACCP system is a recognized as a worldwide standard in food safety, adopted by various food and hospitality establishments such as hotels, restaurant, ships, and so forth. While there is no formal HACCP system in place at Red and Hot Chinese Restaurant, this does not mean that there is no food safety strategy in place. I found this out, among other important facts about the restaurant, after I conducted a series of interviews with the Kitchen manager, several cooks, stewards and food servers. I have asked a set of questions which determined the staff’s knowledge and actual experience with the HACCP model and how it works.Â
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Merger And Acquisition Joint Ventures
Merger And Acquisition Joint Ventures Mergers and acquisitions (MAs) are becoming a strategy of choice for organizations attempting to maintain a competitive advantage. This paper reviews related literature to identify some underlying issues related to the success rate of MAs. It also discusses critical issues of joint ventures and also the problems and benefits of them. In addition, there has been an increased focus on the use of inter-firm relationships or strategic alliances in todays business. This paper also argues the factors which lead to successful strategic alliances. When firms are dealing with negative earnings and/or economic downturns, operational restructuring and consolidation are initiated as a rescue tool. Some firms recover, while the others fail to survive. Restructring and consolidation are the next issues which discuss generally. Introduction and Background Mergers and Acquisitions Acquisitions and mergers are a national as well as global trend. They occur everywhere in organizations, administrative units and businesses in all industries and of all sizes. Many people are at stake and a great deal of money as well (Balle, N. 2008). Mergers and acquisitions are becoming an increasingly popular strategic option for organizations (McEntire and Bentley, 1996). In fact, recent stimates indicate that the annual price tag of mergers and acquisitions consummated in the USA exceeds $1 trillion (Stanwick, 2000). Mergers are commonly characterized as the consolidation of two organizations into a single organization. Acquisitions, by contrast, are commonly characterized as the purchase of one organization from another where the buyer or acquirer maintains control (Borys and Jemison, 1989). Mergers and acquisitions (MAs) have been a very popular strategic maneuver for global businesses, attaining growth, diversification, or profitability (Fowler and Schmidt, 1988). In fact, the merger mania that started in the 1980s, continued throughout the 1990s and is still vigorous (Houghton et al., 2003). MAs are nothing but extreme forms of organizational change, and change is often perceived by employees as threatening, due to their feeling of vulnerability and fear of losing security (Saunders and Thronhill, 2003). Under these circumstances, they have become increasingly important in helping to redefine employment relationships (Anderson and Schalk, 1998; Cartwright and Cooper, 1993; Guest, 1998; Herriot and Pemberton, 1995, 1996; Hiltrop, 1995; McLean Parks and Kidder, 1994; Turnley et al., 2003). Joint Ventures Joint ventures (JVs) occur when two or more legally separate bodies form a jointly owned entity in which they invest and engage in various decision making activities (Geringer, 1988; 1991). A joint venture may be termed International (IJV) where at least one of the parties (or parents) is based outside the country where the venture is taking place or if the joint venture is being administered on a wide level in more than one country (Geringer and Hebert, 1989). JVs are now seen in terms of weaponry employed by companies within the context of their business networks to facilitate competition in relation to firms core markets and technologies (Beamish and Banks, 1987; Harrigan, 1987; Buckley and Casson, 1996); they are thus of vital strategic importance for international business and their significance is growing. It has been argued that various features of culture might affect the development of joint ventures. In their article Swierczek and Hirsch (1994) concluded that it is important that future partners understand the impact of differences in culture before they begin to joint venture. They added that JVs are often characterized by problems of misunderstanding and limited effectiveness because of the lack of compatibility of the cultures represented in the joint ventures. Similarly Beamish and Inkpen (1995) found that MNEs could benefit equally well from local market knowledge which their partners could provide. They also stated that the life cycles of many manufacturing subsidiaries are short because the MNE is unable to understand the knowledge of local culture, economy and politics. Strategic Alliances A strategic alliance is an agreement between two or more partners to share knowledge or resources which could be beneficial to all parties involved. Strategic alliances can be as simple as two companies sharing their technological and/or marketing resources. In contrast, they can be highly complex, involving several companies, located in different countries. These firms may in turn be linked with other organizations in separate alliances. The result is a maze of intertwined companies which may be competing with each other in several product areas. (Niren M. Vyas, William L. Shelburn and Dennis C. Rogers 1999). A few years ago strategic alliances were perceived as an option reserved only for corporate giants. Today, however, for many companies, a go-it-alone strategy no longer seems to be a viable alternative. As a result of the maturation of several trends of the 1980s intensified foreign competition, shortened product cycles, soaring capital investment costs, and the evergrowing demand for new technologies alliances are becoming an attractive strategy for the future (Niren M. Vyas, William L. Shelburn and Dennis C. Rogers 1999). Restructuring and Consolidation It is rare to find a single product company. Most have diversified their interests into related or unrelated areas. Some companies are known as restructuring companies, The latter acquire other companies essentially for the purpose of reorganizationing or streamlining and selling them off subsequently to other owners at a profit. Restructuring companies also have the function of aiding the process of restructuring an industry (Proctor, T. 2001). Operational restructuring involves making decisions about appropriate workforce size and skill requirements, plant capacity and location, functions consolidation, and possible shifts in production focus. More specifically, operational restructuring can be considered a program: that is planned and controlled by management, and materially changes either: the scope of a business undertaken by an enterprise; or the manner in which the business is conducted (Lin and Lee and Gibbs, 2007). Focusing is on operational restructurings for two primary reasons. First, such events often affect a companys business strategies, operations, organizational functions, and existing management structures. Second, operational restructurings entail controversial corporate accounting practices of restructuring charges (Lin and Lee and Gibbs, 2007). Corporate consolidation is a topic of active debate among academics and practitioneres alike. Academic reserches emphasis the importance role corporate consolidation play in disciplining under-performing management and imposing operating efficiences (Healy 1992; Jarrel et al., 1988), practitioners view it as a tool of market share expansion and an effective response to a plethora of competitive challenges (Read, 1999; Howell, 2002). In its most visible form, M As, corporate consolidation is a sizable business run in Europe by established national players operating, increasingly, on a cross-border basis (Berg, 2002). Merger and Acquisitions Several researchers have suggested that in most cases MAs fail to meet initial financial expectations (i.e. Bruner and Spekman, 1998; Haveman, 1992; Very and Schweiger, 2001; Zollo, 2003). Back in the 1980s, Lubatkin insisted that although MAs had been a very important and popular means for executing organizational strategies, less than 20 percent actually achieved its expected financial or strategic objectives. Almost a decade later, Cartwright and Cooper (1992) quoted nearly 40 per cent failure rates for change efforts and a few years later, 1996, nearly 50 percent of MAs failure rate to achieve initial objectives. Along the same lines, Weber (1996) found that 35 per cent of those MAs that fail in their first three years of life are a result of poor employee relations. Over the years, several researchers have raised that percent again, advocating that more than two-thirds of MAs fail to create meaningful shareholder value (Ashkenas et al., 1998; Carr et al., 2004; Marks and Mirvis, 1998). As for the main reasons for such failure rates, there is a dispute among researchers. Existing literature has identified among the main reasons for not fulfilling initial goals both hard and soft factors. Specifically, there are researchers suggesting that paying the wrong price, buying for the wrong reason, selecting the wrong partner, and buying at the wrong time are some of the most prominent ones (i.e. Armenakis, 1999; Haleblian, 1999). However, others insist that underestimation of depth of the problems related to the human factor during a M or A condemns the projects success, and thus, more attention has to be given on employees needs (i.e. Bijlsma-Frankema, 2001; De Cock and Rickards, 1996; Houghton et al., 2003; Lesowitz and Knauff, 2003; Seibert, 1995; Stahl et al., 2003). Focus on value creation, not just integration Many companies organize their post-merger integration activities on a functional basis rather than a value-added basis. While many functional activities must be consolidated (such as bringing databases together and rationalizing policies, procedures and IT systems), not all integration activities yield equal benefits. Blindly and aggressively integrating various functions and businesses without regard to a value-creating hierarchy can actually destroy value (Chanmugam, Shill, Mann, Ficery and Pursche, 2005). Use culture as a value-creation tool The most successful acquirers of the future will see culture as a tool in three ways. First, they will look at cultural differences during the target identification and bidding phases, assess the potential impact of those differences, and incorporate their analysis into the valuation and bid. Second, they will try to avoid the pitfalls common during pre- and post-merger planning, and actively incorporate the elements of each companys culture that best support the desired combination. Finally, they will proactively use culture to create value through the use of high-visibility retention, promotion, termination and structural organizational design decisions (Chanmugam, Shill, Mann, Ficery and Pursche, 2005). Joint Ventures Critical Issues for IJVs An IJV is defined as an equity sharing arrangement in which a foreign corporation and a local firm (either private or government owned) pool their resources, sharing risks and operational control to operate an independent business unit on a continuous basis for profit and/or to attain some strategic objective (Geringer and Hebert, 1991). Broadly viewed, the IJV market entry mode represents two opposing trends. First, judged by the number of entries, it is becoming increasingly popular as a mode of market entry and expansion (Makino and Beamish, 1998; Vanhonacker and Pan, 1997). In recent years an increasing number of global corporations have become involved in IJVs at home and overseas, covering many sectors, industries, and product groups (Griffith, Zeybek and OBrien, 2001). The second issue relates to the fragile nature of IJVs, and it has been repeatedly argued that the failure rate or instability rate of IJVs is above thirty percent, and it is often markedly higher compared to other alternative forms of market entry and operation (Makino and Beamish, 1998). Gomes-Casseres (1989) offered two explanations for reasons of instability in any JV, arguing that the partners simply made a mistake; forming a JV when it may not have been the best thing to do, or they joined up with the wrong partner. Further, that their ini tial decision was right, but conditions changed so that the JV was no longer useful (Cullen, Johnson, and Sakano, 1995). Problems with Joint Ventures Some of the main problems with Joint Ventures include: Significant differences in the major goals of the parties, Details of the joint venture contract, The foreign corporations global integration and the local partners national orientation, Differences between the partners concerning marketing, Desire for control, Transfer pricing conflicts, Conflict over decision making, managerial processes and style (Julian and OCass, 2003). Benefits of Joint Ventures Joint ventures provide companies with the opportunity to obtain new capacity and expertise. They allow companies to enter into related businesses or new geographic markets or obtain new technological knowledge. Joint ventures have a relatively short life span (5-7 years) and therefore do not represent a long-term commitment. In the era of divesture and consolidation, they offer a creative way for companies to exit from non-core businesses (companies can gradually separate a business from the rest of the organization, and ultimately, sell it to the other parent company (appr. 80% of all joint ventures end in a sale by one partner to the other) (Trafford and Proctor 2006). Succe of a Joint Venture success of a joint venture may be influenced by five important characteristics. These characteristics are illustrated as building blocks in a model which Trafford and Proctor(2006), have termed the COPED model. COPED Model (Trafford and Proctor, 2006) Communication Many business alliances fail to meet expectations because little attention is given to nurturing the close working relationships and interpersonal connections that unite the partnering organisations (Weitz and Jap, 1995). An awareness of communication processes is essential within alliances if maximum efforts are to be coordinated and directed towards the success of strategic alliances. Ineffective communication can reduce the effectiveness of a strategic alliance and thus lead to conflict between partners (Jain, 1987). There is an assumption that organisations will function better if communication is open, if relationships are based on mutual understanding and trust, if relationships are co-operative rather than competitive, if people work together in teams, and if decisions are reached in a participative way. These conditions, however, are not observed in many organisational situations. Main barriers to communication concern are power differences; gender differences; physical surroundings; language; and cultural diversity (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2001). Openness Trust is considered a prerequisite for alliance success (Byrne, 1993) and lack of trust is a major reason for alliance failures (Peng and Shenkar, 2002). There is evidence to point to the fact that strategic alliances may be unstable and their success rate poor (Gant, 1995). Partner firms need to manage this risk adequately by understanding the conjoint roles of trust and control. The establishment of a new relationship between members of the organisation at all levels a relationship based on trust is an issue that is becoming increasingly important to organisations (Handy, 1995). Planning Many strategic alliances lack alliance strategies. A coherent alliance strategy has four elements: (1) a business strategy to shape the logic and design of the alliance; (2) a dynamic view to guide the management and evolution of the alliance; (3) a portfolio approach to enable co-ordination among the alliance to enhance flexibility; and (4) an internal infrastructure that supports and strives to maximise the value of external collaboration (Gomes-Casseres, 2000). When managed well, the above elements can create tremendous value. At the wrong time and when managed poorly, they can be costly distractions (Gomes-Casseres, 2000). According to Hill and Jones (2001), the strategic planning process can be broken down into five main steps: (1) mission and objectives; (2) environmental scanning; (3) strategy formation; (4) strategy implementation; and (5) evaluation and control. Ethos Ethos is the characteristic spirit or attitudes of a community, or people (Webster, 1992). It comes very much to the fore in strategic alliances when the co-operating firms continue to be independent organisations and a new situation appears in which an interaction is established between two firms with different organisational cultures. This usually implies different leadership styles and different objectives, which may lead to lack of trust between the parties and to conflicts which may arise when the time comes to make decisions (Buono, 1991). Similarly, cultural conflicts are more common in joint ventures, where a closer contact between the partners is required, than in contractual alliances (Schultz, 1998). Direction The public sector is under pressure to improve service delivery and cooperate more effectively (Cabinet Office, 2003). There is a growing demand for leaders able to carry out these tasks, and to see through fundamental processes of change. The appointment, monitoring, reward and accountability structures and processes all play some part in inhibiting and/or encouraging certain forms of leadership which give the correct direction. Strategic Alliances Parkhe (1993) defined a strategic alliance as a: relatively enduring interfirm co-operative agreement, involving flows and linkages that use resources and/or governance structures from autonomous organizations, for the joint accomplishment of individual goals linked to the corporate mission of each sponsoring firm. Following from this definition, it can be seen that an alliance must be a formal part of business strategy (Johnson, 1999), meaning that an agreement between two partners must be formalised into a contract, as opposed to a handshake deal or a verbal agreement. Second, alliances must be mutually beneficial; that is, they must result in a win-win situation. Koza and Lewin (1998) argued that one of the many reasons that strategic alliances were formed was to seek out new knowledge by acquiring new technology and skills. In this type of alliance they argued that the partners would seek to reduce information asymmetry between the partners. This may involve the standardization of service delivery of production processes, joint strategic planning, sharing of databases and knowledge transfer through staff exchanges. A second and related motivation for forming an alliance was to explore for new market opportunities. This involved innovation, basic research, invention, risk taking, building new capabilities, entering new lines of business, and investments in the firms absorptive capacity. Barriers to successful Strategic Alliances Barriers to successful strategic alliances must also be recognized. The three major barriers are: (1) Failure to understand and adapt to new style of management. The adaptation of a new style of management requires a change in corporate culture which must be initiated and nurtured from the top. (2) Failure to learn and understand the cultural differences. Not only do the cultural differences exist among international firms seeking alliances, but corporate cultures may be different among firms from the same country. Flexibility and learning are the greatest tools in overcoming this barrier. (3) Lack of iron-clad commitment to succeed. Individuals who negotiated or implemented the initial alliance agreement may change due to promotions, transfers, retirement, or terminations. Continuity of total commitment for the alliance is needed at all levels in the organization without which the alliance will fail to reach its full potential (Vyas, Shelburn and Rogers, 1995). Importance of Knowledge in Strategic Alliances Inter-firm cooperative initiatives are one of the precious ways for firms to identify, transfer and internalize external knowledge. Koguts review of literature addressing joint ventures found that one of the firms main motivations for entering into collaborative agreements was to transfer organizational knowledge (Kogut, 1988). Berg and Friedman, in a study of over 300 JVs at the 2-digit SIC level showed that in many cases, joint ventures did not in fact enhance the market power of the parent firm, but rather functioned as a means of knowledge acquisition (Berg and Friedman, 1981). Thus the issues of knowledge creation, knowledge transfer and learning have attracted researchers and have been examined several times in academic research and management consulting applied studies. Restructuring and Consolidation Why and how to Restructure an Ailing Business A number of typical situations that a firm with declining performance may encounter and could cause this firm to go through an operational restructuring are stated in this section. -Needs for operational restructuring The decision to restructure is driven by a number of considerations. At times, restructuring is in response to significant sea changes in the business environment while in other cases it is done to address poor operating/stock performance. Both internal (e.g. financial distress) and external (e.g. recessions) economic and financial conditions can drive the decision to restructure. Additionally, votes of no confidence in management will likely lead to corporate restructuring (Lin and Lee and Gibbs, 2007). -Typical activities of operational restructuring and consolidation Restructuring and consolidation efforts can take on a couple of forms. Often times management takes steps to contain costs, but in at other times drastic changes such as a refocusing of business direction occurs. For a firm that incurs losses, cost control is often the first step to return to profitability. Slashing labor costs, production costs, selling and administrative expenses, RD expenditures, and financing costs are common measures of corporate restructurings (Denis and Kruse, 2000). Downsizing and employee layoffs are the restructuring actions that are typically taken to cope with poor operating performance, especially within contracting economies(Lin and Lee and Gibbs, 2007). Other Issues Operational restructuring and consolidation has been considered as one important turnaround strategy for a firm in a bad situation, especially during an economic recession. Lin and Lee and Gibbs (2007), stated that delisting risk increases when firms undertake repetitive restructurings, massive workforce reduction, and large-scale asset downsizing. Moreover, firms with high levels of debt and failure to cut costs and/or narrowing its focus on core competencies are also more likely to delist. Conclusion As more and more companies opt to supplement organic growth with mergers and acquisitions, the earlier stages of MA transactions are becoming relatively mature, commoditized processes. According to Galpin and Herndon (2008), in order to build replicable MA integration, MA integration must be managed as an end-to-end business process. MA integration is a competency set with specific skills that must be built throughout the organization. The organizations MA integration process and capabilities must be in place before the train leaves the station that is, before the deal gets done. The organizations MA integration process must be continually improved by learning from previous mistakes and successes. The researches indicate the existence of five helpful characteristics identified under the heading of Communication, Openness, Planning, Ethos and Direction, which may be present in a successful partnership (joint) venture. The COPED model, is for building more comprehensive and productive relationships between public sector organisations and private sector companies which lead them to a successful joint venture. Strategic alliances are in the age of business without boundaries. A strategic objective aimed at expanding the competitive knowledge resource, and clearly there are special skills in bringing these arrangements to fruition. Professional managers recognize that in the age of business without boundaries it is essential that they provide learning opportunities and the necessary knowledge that will enable their employees to effectively and securely collaborate internally and externally. So there is a need for knowledge and learning regarding to strategicalliances (Dealtry, 2008). Operational restructuring has been considered as one important turnaround strategy for a firm in a bad situation, especially during an economic recession. Moreover, firms with high levels of debt and failure to cut costs and/or narrowing its focus on core competencies are also more likely to delist. So considering and learning about restructuring and consolidation is another important isuue to take account for managers.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Hawthornes Scarlet Letter vs Scralet Letter the Film Essay examples --
Hawthornes Scarlet Letter vs Scralet Letter the Film Published in 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne‘s The Scarlet Letter describes many details of the life of a woman in a Puritan community and her conflict with their beliefs. Immoral events committed were harshly treated in those times; today these situations are dealt with up-to-date solutions. A Hollywood version of the novel was created in 1995 to visually illustrate the story but left room for comparison. Both the book and movie contain similarities and differences in point of view, plot, and symbolism. The point of view in a story is important for visualization of the plot. In the novel Hawthorne narrates the story of Hester Prynne and her sin of adultery making his point of view third person omniscient. He speaks of Hester like an outsider watching upon her life through a lucid glass window. This opposes the movie’s point of view which is told by Hester’s daughter, Pearl, with a first person limited prospect. Pearl speaks of her mother’s life and romance with her father as she has heard the tale of love and suffering. ...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Functions of Retail Management
FUNCTIONS OF RETAIL MANAGEMENT When attempting to start a business, having a keen understanding of the goals of management through the main four management functions is one key to seeing success, both with the operation and with employees. With this said, a vital part of planning of the management end will involve three important activities. The first stage, â€Å"planning involves developing a systematic process for attaining the goals of the organization†¦ Leaders make change happen through planning instead of reacting to change†(EntEd 2007). The first of which will be to lay out the goals that will be set for the hypothetical sporting goods store used as the example, the second will be to create a business plan since â€Å"the development of the business plan greatly helps to clarify the organization's plans and ensure that key leaders are all ‘on the same script. ‘ Far more important than the plan document is the planning process itself†(McNamara 2007). During the process of coming up with this business plan, hopefully as a manager we can begin to foresee any challenges we might face, especially if those challenges arise because of unpredictable circumstances that even the most careful planning could not predict or take measures to prevent. In short, having a process that all members present at the beginning of the organization can understand and work with in the form of a business plan is the key to success. During this planning process as we begin to decide what some of the most basic building blocks of this business are going to be (location, inventory, costs, marketing, etc. ) and through this act of working things out together in a permanent fashion, brainstorming about coming changes and challenges should naturally occur. The four functions of Management will clearly demonstrate how the functions operate in this business operation and how, in the light of the tangible situation being presented, management can avoid possible pitfalls and see how these functions operate simultaneously and are interdependent on one another. With a solid business plan firmly in place and a list of goals and anticipated changes recorded and recognized, the second important function of management, organization, is necessary. â€Å"Organizing brings together the nonhuman resources needed to achieve the project's objectives. To organize is to manage†¦ It begins with the need to define requirements†(Richman 2006). In order to serve this important function of management, it is necessary to use what was established in the planning stages to begin to carry out the first measures to live out the plan. As a manager, this will involve a great deal of research and personal organization as I look for the best strategies to carry out different smaller aspects of the business plan. This is also the stage where I begin to look to my subordinates for assistance and when I give them the chance to assist with the many activities necessary before the sporting goods store opens. This stage involves a great deal of gathering of supplies and building processes that will sustain the store and in order to make the best use of the time spent organizing, directing will become one of the most important functions of management. As one definition states, â€Å"Directing communicates the goals, purposes, procedures, and means to those who will do the work. Directing is the process of communicating the plan, whether orally or in writing†(Richmond 2006). This is particularly succinct definition in terms of the sporting goods store because so much will be required to adhere to the business plan. The organization alone must be managed with attention to detail and it will be one of my primary duties to help workers understand the value of each of their functions through careful and organized direction. Throughout the organization process and especially as things are moving along according to the plan and the business nears opening, it is vital that directing is a main focus. Since I plan on having two managers and four employees, I want everyone to be on the same page as I am. It will be important for them to realize how every task they complete connects to the goals or the business plan so there is a sense of value and something at stake. Directing will not end at this stage or even after the business is open, it will continue to be a necessary component that I must actively keep p with in order for this sporting goods store to succeed. Controlling goes hand in hand with directing as it will be important for me as a manager and owner to match the tasks delegated with the business plan and goals so that I can keep firm tabs on how we are progressing. This not only involves monitoring of progress but being vigilant so that if negative changes are occurring I can resolve the issue. A s Richman (2006) more succinctly puts it, when it comes to controlling, â€Å"in project management terms, it involves determining variances from the approved plan, then taking action to correct those variances. Through my fulfilling of these four important functions of management, I would be a permissive leader. For a small business like this sporting goods store that has a very small number of employees and only two other managers, it is necessary to allow everyone to have an equal hand in important decisions. While directing is a large part of my responsibility, I would still like to allow employees and managers a great deal of leeway concerning how they perform the tasks assigned and if those decisions on how to work are not productive, only then will I step in and be directive. This is a rather democratic way to manage this store, but hopefully it will foster the sense that the few people involved have a great deal at stake since they've personally and professional put distinct efforts into the business. By employing the for functions of Management effectively and in particular, emphasizing my role in directing and controlling, I can maintain a less structured management style while still seeing profits.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Open Letter Assignment Essay
I have dreamt of graduating college since I began school. By the time I was your age, I had been practicing my college acceptance speech to my parents for many years. I understand that it can be difficult to imagine another four years of schooling. When you look at the alternative, however, you will find that you must work hard now to enjoy the rest of your life. When you are a middle-aged person, you will have been enjoying weekends off and family vacations for so long you won’t even think back about regretting college. In the grand scheme of things, it is only four years of your life. The first thing to do is look at places you’d like to live. If you already know what you want to do then you should choose a school that offers studying in that subject. However, don’t be alarmed if you don’t know what you want to do. Some people pick schools for a certain subject that they end up wanting nothing to do with. Even I have thought of several things I wanted to do and still have not come to a decision. Having a foundation of education is what is most important. You can always change your mind and get difference experience through different internships and jobs. By the time you graduate college, you will have had plenty of opportunities come your way. Another piece of advice is to take one week at a time. College work can be overwhelming, but not as overwhelming as working a full time job that doesn’t pay well or that doesn’t make you feel good going to it. If you’re worried about your math or writing skills, there are lots of ways to get help in college. There are writing centers, math tutors, and much more assistance available to you. Not everyone in college is good at every subject, so don’t worry!
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Fast Facts About George Bernard Shaws Life and Plays
Fast Facts About George Bernard Shaws Life and Plays George Bernard Shaw is a model to all struggling writers. Throughout his 30s, he wrote five novels – all of them failed. Yet, he did not let that deter him. It was not until 1894, at the age of 38, that his dramatic work made its professional debut. Even then, it took some time before his plays became popular. Although he wrote mostly comedies, Shaw greatly admired the natural realism of Henrik Ibsen. Shaw felt that plays could be used to influence the general population. And since he was filled with ideas, George Bernard Shaw spent the rest of his life writing for the stage, creating over sixty plays. He won a Nobel Prize for Literature for his play The Apple Cart. His cinematic adaptation of Pygmalion also earned him an Academy Award. Born: July 26, 1856Died: November 2nd, 1950 Major Plays: Mrs. Warren’s Profession Man and Superman Major Barbara Saint Joan Pygmalion Heartbreak House Shaw’s most financially successful play was Pygmalion, which was adapted into a popular 1938 motion picture, and then into a Broadway musical smash: My Fair Lady. His plays touch upon a wide variety of social issues: government, oppression, history, war, marriage, women’s rights. It’s hard to say which among his plays is the most profound. Shaw’s Childhood: Although he spent most of his life in England, George Bernard Shaw was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. His father was an unsuccessful corn merchant (someone who buys the corn wholesale and then sells the product to retailers). His mother, Lucinda Elizabeth Shaw, was a singer. During Shaw’s adolescence, his mother began an affair with her music teacher, Vandeleur Lee. By many accounts, it seems that the playwright’s father, George Carr Shaw, was ambivalent about his wife’s adultery and her subsequent departure to England. This unusual situation of a sexually magnetic man and woman interacting with an â€Å"odd-man-out†male figure would become common in Shaw’s plays: Candida, Man and Superman, and Pygmalion. His mother, his sister Lucy, and Vandeleur Lee moved to London when Shaw was sixteen years old. He stayed in Ireland working as a clerk until he moved into his mother’s London home in 1876. Having despised the education system of his youth, Shaw took a different academic path – a self-guided one. During his early years in London, he spent hours on end reading books in the citys libraries and museums. George Bernard Shaw: Critic and Social Reformist In the 1880s, Shaw began his career as a professional art and music critic. Writing reviews of operas and symphonies eventually led to his new and more satisfying role as a theater critic. His reviews of London’s plays were witty, insightful, and sometimes painful to playwrights, directors, and actors who did not meet Shaw’s high standards. In addition to the arts, George Bernard Shaw was passionate about politics. He was a member of the Fabian Society, a group in favor of socialist ideals such as socialized health care, minimum wage reform, and the protection of the impoverished masses. Instead of attaining their goals through revolution (violent or otherwise), the Fabian Society sought gradual change from within the existing system of government. Many of the protagonists in Shaw’s plays serve as a mouth-piece for the precepts of the Fabian Society. Shaw’s Love Life: For a good portion of his life, Shaw was a bachelor, much like some of his more comical characters: Jack Tanner and Henry Higgins, in particular. Based on his letters (he wrote thousands of friends, colleagues, and fellow theater-lovers), it seems that Shaw had a devout passion for actresses. He maintained a long, flirtatious correspondence with actress Ellen Terry. It seems that their relationship never evolved beyond mutual fondness. During a serious ailment, Shaw married a wealthy heiress named Charlotte Payne-Townshend. Reportedly, the two were good friends but not sexual partners. Charlotte did not want to have children. Rumor has it, the couple never consummated the relationship. Even after marriage, Shaw continued to have relationships with other women. The most famous of his romances was between him and Beatrice Stella Tanner, one of England’s most popular actresses better known by her married name: Mrs. Patrick Campbell. She starred in several of his plays, including Pygmalion. Their affection for one another is evident in their letters (now published, like many of his other correspondences). The physical nature of their relationship is still up for debate. Shaw’s Corner: If you are ever in England’s small town of Ayot St. Lawrence, be certain to visit Shaw’s Corner. This beautiful manor became the final home of Shaw and his wife. Upon the grounds, you will find a cozy (or should we say cramped) cottage just big enough for one ambitious writer. In this tiny room, which was designed to rotate to capture as much sunlight as possible, George Bernard Shaw wrote many plays and countless letters. His last major success was In Good King Charles Golden Days, written in 1939, but Shaw kept writing into his 90s. He was full of vitality until the age of 94 when he fractured his leg after falling off a ladder. The injury led to other problems, including a failing bladder and kidney. Finally, Shaw did not seem as interested in staying alive anymore if he could not stay active. When an actress named Eileen OCasey visited him, Shaw discussed his impending death: Well, it will be a new experience, anyway. He died the following day.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Essay on Chicano
Essay on Chicano Essay on Chicano Essay on ChicanoTrack 12, El Zacamandà º (Antonio Maciel)Lyrics of El Zacamandu           Genre: Son Huasteco           Composer: Anonymous           Performer: Antonio Maciel           The song was performed by Antonio Maciel. The song is dedicated to men-women relationships and the inability of men to resist to the charm of women. The song conveys the idea that men always love women for their charm and female features, which they may dislike at times, but, which they adore overall. The song is the ultimate manifestation of men’s love to women. The performer used the falsetto register           The music played during the song was performed by the trio consisting of a guitar quinta huapanguera, which is a five course, eight stringed guitar-like instrument, a jarana huasteca, which is a stringed instrument re lated to the jarana, and a violin. The violin has played a particularly important part during the performance. The violin performance was flamboyant and very passionate with a profound impact on the audience and the perception of the song.The instrumental part supported the performer, while, at some moments, the violent seemed to replace the performer and took the main part. On the other hand, the performance of the song was very emotional not only due to the use of violin along with quinta huapanguera and jarana huasteca but also and mainly due to the performance of the singer, Antonio Maciel, who was very emotional and conveyed the song from the bottom of his heart.Therefore, the song conveys the message of men’s love to women, respect to and admiration with women. The performer and three musical instruments performing their part in the song were the perfect match to emphasize the message of the song.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
440 Different Topics for Essays and Speeches
440 Different Topics for Essays and Speeches If getting started is the hardest part of the writing process, close behind it (and closely related to it) may be the challenge of finding a ​good topic to write about. Of course, sometimes an instructor will solve that problem for you by assigning a topic. But at other times youll have the opportunity to choose a topic on your own. And you really should think of it as an opportunity- a chance to write about something you care about and know well. So relax. Dont worry if a great topic doesnt immediately spring to mind. Be ready to play with a number of ideas until you settle on one that truly interests you. To help get you thinking, weve prepared some writing suggestions- more than 400 of them, in fact. But they are only suggestions. Along with some freewriting and brainstorming (and maybe a good long walk), they should inspire you to come up with plenty of fresh ideas of your own. 440 Topics You Could Write About Weve organized the suggested topics into 11 broad categories, loosely based on some of the common ways of developing paragraphs and essays. But dont feel limited by these categories. Youll find that many of the topics can be adapted to suit almost any kind of writing assignment. Now follow the links to find more than 400 topic suggestions and see where they take you. Describing People, Places, and Things: 40 Writing Topics: Descriptive writing calls for close attention to details- details of sight and sound, sometimes even of smell, touch, and taste. Weve come up with 40 topic suggestions for a descriptive paragraph or essay. It shouldnt take you long to discover at least 40 more on your own.Narrating Events: 50 Writing Topics: Another word for narration is storytelling- though often the stories we tell actually happened. Narratives can serve to illustrate an idea, report an experience, explain a problem, argue a point, or simply entertain our readers. Here are 50 ideas for a narrative paragraph or essay. But dont feel that you have to tell one of our stories- not when you have so many of your own tales to tell.Explaining a Process Step by Step: 50 Writing Topics: Process analysis means explaining how something is done or how to do something- one step after another. These 50 topics should start you thinking. But again, dont let our ideas get in the way of yours. Comparing and Contrasting: 40 Writing Topics: Think about the last time you had to make a decision: right there is a topic for comparison and contrast. And right here youll find 40 more ideas that might be explored in a composition developed by comparison and contrast.Drawing Analogies: 30 Writing Topics: A good analogy can help your readers understand a complicated subject or view a common experience in a new way. To discover original analogies that can be explored in paragraphs and essays, apply the as if attitude to any one of these 30 topics.Classifying and Dividing: 50 Writing Topics: Are you ready to get organized? If so, youll probably be applying the principle of classification- perhaps to one of our 50 topics or to a brand new topic of your own.Examining Causes and Effects: 50 Writing Topics: We cant tell you exactly what causes global warming, but maybe you can tell us. If not, these 50 other topic suggestions should start you thinking about why? and so what?Dev eloping Extended Definitions: 60 Writing Topics: Abstract and controversial ideas can often be clarified through extended definitions. The 60 concepts listed here can be defined in various ways and from different points of view. Arguing and Persuading: 40 Writing Topics: These 40 statements may be either defended or attacked in an argument essay. But you dont have to depend on our suggestions: lets see what issues really matter to you.Composing a Persuasive Essay or Speech: 30 Writing Topics: Any one of these 30 issues may serve as the basis for a persuasive essay or speech.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Pier scour in coarse bed and cohesive materials Research Paper
Pier scour in coarse bed and cohesive materials - Research Paper Example This results to approximately 60 percent of all bridge failures. The societal repercussions that are associated with failures and the costs that are linked to repair are amplified in Alaska, alternate routes of ground transportation between several cities are not in existence. Bridge culvert damages cost a lot to the economy, for example, in 2002 the damage in Kenai Peninsula was estimated at about 19 million dollars. This led to bridge site examination for scour. This paper therefore seeks to discuss the background of scour, its description, the pier scour, and its equation. Scour Scour is a hole that remains behind when sand and rocks, sediments are washed away from the river bottom. Even though scour often occur at any particular time, the scour action is strong especially during flood season. This is because swiftly flowing water has much energy than slowly flowing calm water to lift and wash away sediments from the river bottom. Scour is of a great concern to bridges. This is be cause if rocks or sediment on which bridge is supported or rest is scoured by the river, it is most probably that the bridge could be very unsafe for travel purposes. For example, in 1987 when the Interstate Highway bridge over Schoharie Creek in the state of New York collapsed following a flood, the Federal Highway Administration demanded that each state to specify bridges on the highway over water that are likely to experience problems of scour and to have the bridges with severe scour identified. This knowledge of bridge sites in which there are potential scour problems will enable the States to improve and monitor the bridge conditions ahead of time before they pose danger to travelers. Types of scour There are three main types of scour that affect bridges. The following are the major types of scour that may pose danger to highway bridges over water: Local scour: this occurs when sediments are swept away from around bridge piers and/ or abutments. Piers in this particular case a re the pillars that support bridges, while abutments are the ones supporting the end of the bridge. Flowing water past abutment or pier may scoop holes out in the sediment resulting into scour holes. Contraction scour: this type of scour occurs the sediments are swept away from the sides and bottom of the river. Contraction scour is majorly caused by an increased speed in water flow as it flows through an opening of a bridge which is narrower than the natural channel of the river. Degradation scour: this is a general removal of sand and rocks, sediments from the bottom of the river by the flow of the river. This is often a natural process of sediment removal that lowers the bottom of the river resultantly. In most cases, the process removes large quantities of sediment with time. Pier scour Piers scour is the removal of sediments around the pier. This occurs when rocks and sand in which the bridge rests are removed by flowing water. This is very dangerous to travelers and may cause high magnitude accidents. Adequate definition of potential pier scour at piers is very essential to a proper construction, design, and maintenance of bridges. Designing cost effective and safe bridge depends on accurate estimate of the depth of scour. Thus, underestimating the depth of the scour can place both human life and structures at risk. On the other hand, consistent
Friday, October 18, 2019
Quiz on Nathanial Hawthornes Scarlet Lettet Assignment - 1
Quiz on Nathanial Hawthornes Scarlet Lettet - Assignment Example Pearl behaves as though she would remain a captive of the scarlet letter (Hawthorne, 2009). From the novel, Dimmesdale is male character that indicates weakness. His character as minister entertains transgressions in secrecy. Dimmesdale is conflicted by guilt and cannot express his sin. He signifies self-centeredness and duplicity (Hawthorne, 2009). Chillingworth is character that represents an inhuman and cold nature. He has the motive of revenge. He torments Dimmesdale for the truth while acting as a friend. Pearl symbolizes the product of inhibited desire that is redemption. The nature of the character provides salvation to others like Dimmsdale who seek confession for their transgression (Hawthorne, 2009). She is a reminder of her mother’s actions and source of happiness. Hester is a character that elaborates a culprit of incorrect moral decisions. She represents the suppression of feminism because of human nature and compassion. The novel describes the solitude and distress of female characters that want to express their feelings but are constricted by the expectations of society (Hawthorne, 2009). They must behave in correspondence to the standards of society even if it means suppressing the inner emotions. Female sexuality is treated with respect given it meet that expectations of
Everyday life with Algebra in the Real World Research Paper
Everyday life with Algebra in the Real World - Research Paper Example In the field of biology, computations are carried out in the process of simulating experiments or the calculation of features of a biological structure of the process. For example, algebra is applied in computing mathematical predictions of cellular interactions, analysis of heritage, body reactions to chemicals and intercellular features. Techniques from algebra, discrete mathematics and algebraic geometry have lately acquired new applications in systems biology causing the emergence of the fields of â€Å"algebraic biology†. The close interaction between biology and algebraic statistics has also led to new applications of the latter to problems in biology. (Kastner, 2012) Algebra is applied to chemistry to manipulate equations and work out problems. E.g. A gas equation commonly used to compute quantities in chemistry is PV=nRT: P is the pressure (in atmospheres), V is the volume (in Litres), n is the number of moles, R is a constant (.082059 L*atm mol-1 K-1), and T is the temperature (in Kelvin). In current years, computer algebra techniques have acquired widespread application in chemistry education and solving chemistry problems. In case you are given the values of all the other quantities and you are required to obtain the temperature, you could do this by substituting all the variables into the algebraic equation: T= PV/nR. Algebraic concepts to solve everyday problems In business, Linear equations such as T = Ax +By is applied to the total cost of items when every item has the same cost, total quantities of materials used in producing objects. In everyday life, algebraic equations can be used to calculate the total cost of electricity, energy costs on household bills, costs of long distance calls and the cost of renting a car. For example, from a phone bill algebra can point out the initial cost and the additional cost per minute on a long-distance call, and indicate how long a person could talk for any specific amount of money. Slope indicates the rate at which a quantity changes and is applied in business to calculate how much the cost of production of items changes when one more item is produced, i.e. the marginal cost. The rate at which your money decreases or increases can affect ones financial status whereas how quick the rate of unemployment goes down or rises can influence inflation. The algebraic concept of slope can be utilized to analyze all these notions. (Knapp, 2007) The concept of exponents or exponential growth is applied in all money matters affecting people’s daily life, like the compound interest used by banks and savings institutions to calculate interest, mortgage, car and credit card payments for items bought, life insurance and retirement funds. This concept is also applied in prediction of populations, sizes of tumors and other characteristics of the disease. Algebra applied to personal life, Linear equations from
What is the connection between religious doctrine and social ethics in Essay
What is the connection between religious doctrine and social ethics in the Quran - Essay Example Islam requires its followers to behave in a certain way that is also supported by the Quran. The social ethics that guide a Muslim is deeply connected to the Quran. There are several ways that social ethics guides a Muslim in the way that is stipulated by the Quran. As a matter of fact Allah expects Muslims to behave in a certain way as he had already made a covenant with the father of all mankind Adam as seen in mithaq sura 7: 171. In (sura 13:11; 8:53) the sura says, â€Å"God does not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themselves†. First, social ethics emphasizes that a believer should believe in shahada. This means that â€Å"There is only one God and Muhammad is His messenger†(Rippin, 3). This social ethics intends to make a person walk in faith and believe in only one God. This eliminates the worship of idols and other false Gods because God does not want this and the Quran also states it clearly. Worshipping of idols is frowned u pon in the society as people believe in the sovereignty of God and his immense powers thus are expected to believe in Him and Him alone. Secondly, the Quran states in sura 3:104, 110 about hisba or social responsibility (Pickthall, 500). This means that human beings are made to â€Å"command what is right and forbid what is wrong†. This is what is also expected socially in the community since it is said that god gave human beings the ability, power and control to choose to do what is right and control themselves from doing what is wrong. Bad behaviors are looked down upon in the society and good behavior is praised. This means that even the society knows that human beings posses hisba. Thirdly, the Quran states that people must believe and perform salat (Ayoub, 2). Salat is the expression of a believer’s obedience, devotion and submission to God. Salat in short is prayer and people are expected to believe in prayers. Prayers are said to be the cornerstone of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Importance of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise in the UK Case Study
The Importance of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise in the UK - Case Study Example As such, effective planning, control, organization, and coordination within a typical travel agency must be evident fro the efficiency and effectiveness of the services offered. The past studies and researchers on business management and entrepreneurship has extensively criticized the pure approach to formal strategic planning. Mintzberg (1978) argued that "contemporary prescription and normative techniques to business analysis and planning seem unable to address the complex reality of strategy formation". This was supported by Peters and Waterman (1982) when they concluded that formal strategic planning leads to "paralysis induced by analysis". Hills (1994) similarly found out that formal strategic planning was useful in the evaluation of opportunities, setting priorities, and implementation but not at the creative stage of identifying opportunities. In this regard, it appears that a good business strategy makes it a point to integrate and harmonize the goals, policies and actions of the organization into a tactical coherence in order to ensure and guarantee the success in the industry. The integration of the conservative and traditional management practices was observed in the ever-increasing complexity of the business environment. The technological advancements that characterizes the information era at present paved the way to the efficient conceptualization of more creative and effective business frameworks which when utilized by business companies will open more possibilities and better position in the competitive atmosphere in the industry. Hence, identifying the use of the control and the creative aspects in operating a business should be distinguished by a well-rounded entrepreneur. These will serve as the key to achieving the economic goals set by the by the entrepreneur for the overall success of the business since pure approach to operating a business venture will not exhaust the full potential of a particular business establishment. This paper aims to define what a "best entrepreneur" is, the qualities and characteristics of a good entrepreneur will be presented. The study chose two best entrepreneurs from United Kingdom, and they are Anita Riddick, the founder of The Body Shop and Joe Ashburner of Noonoo Designs. Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is valuable to the enterprise and also necessitates creativity as this aspect involves a constant search for new ways to compete in the market place. As all firms are always on the constant renewal mode, creative ideas must always be within reach. Indeed, the enterprise needs individuals who can couple a firm's capability and adapt to the rapid changes of the marketplace. This is not a role shouldered by the management alone, but must be shared with the participants as well, especially those working closely closest to the customers. Value-added entrepreneurial capability includes the ability and willingness to remain alert to the opportunities to the firm and to participate in the development of a solution. So as to make the most of each individual's contribution and productivity, it is probably more effective if each will be given an area of expertise. In this way, an individual can develop a capability in that arena, which will not only apply to individuals but also to their organizations. Network leadership must also enlist coalition attitudes so as to rekindle a sense of community. For an organization, this is a sense of belonging even if it is for a short period of time.
French System and the Modern Diplomacy Term Paper
French System and the Modern Diplomacy - Term Paper Example This paper will highlight the characteristics of the French system beginning with the Napoleon era and elaborate how modern diplomacy developed. This paper will highlight the Machiavellian concept of diplomacy, its application in the French system and the 21st century diplomacy. In addition, the paper will discuss the differences between the French diplomacy and the 21st century diplomacy. Machiavelli was the first in history to indulge in negotiations that led to agreements between his republic and other regions. His later works on how different powers could extend their influence to other regions and territories are the basis of the diplomacy adopted in the Renaissance Period. This system passed down to the states of Italy and France. History reveals that there was a form of embassy existing in France in the early 1535 (Berridge 105). The embassy was a representation of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. During that time, France was under the rule of a Christian king. Later, the def inition of the embassy changed, as nations adopted new definitions of diplomacy. With time, the embassies became immune residential areas. Immunity implied that the representatives were not subject to the laws of the regions they were residing. During this time, there was a continuity system. In addition, there was intense secrecy in the diplomacy. The proceedings and activities of the embassy remained hidden. In the majority of the negotiations, the people remained in the dark concerning any proceedings. The people could neither learn about the outcomes of any ongoing negotiations nor understand the proceedings. Secrecy involved keeping some or all the details under cover (Berridge 106). Secrecy was a crucial aspect because in any form of negotiations compromise was compulsory. The two parties on the negotiation table had to incur losses. Each side formulated its set of demands before the negotiation. For the other party to grant these demands, the party had to pay a price. If the information concerning the negotiations reached the people or other government agents, they could hinder paying of the price. Handling these matters in discretion and secrecy proved to be the only viable tactics (Berridge 107). The French diplomacy system of the early times was very ceremonial. The ambassadors, who acted as formal representatives of the highest power, had great responsibility in the negotiation process. The procedure carried its effects from the renaissance period. The influence of the French diplomacy from the Renaissance Era made it unique. Complicated ceremonies became part of the negotiation protocol as binding factors of the agreements. Having a guiding protocol in place ensured that each meeting of the parties focused on the agendas rather than on debating about the effective procedures. The protocol usually highlighted the sitting arrangements of both parties and elaborated other necessities such as the guidelines of signatures (Berridge 108). Earlier in 1504 , the Pope had laid out a precedence scheme. However, in 1815 the Vienna Congress made it invalid and set out a new order. The new scheme involved taking ranks in accordance to the time of the persons’ formal notifications and period of service at the capital. Other authors highlight that the French emphasized the value of honesty in all negotiation fronts. They believed that diplomacy based on deceit and trickery could not achieve its purpose of reconciling two parties with a fair
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Importance of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise in the UK Case Study
The Importance of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise in the UK - Case Study Example As such, effective planning, control, organization, and coordination within a typical travel agency must be evident fro the efficiency and effectiveness of the services offered. The past studies and researchers on business management and entrepreneurship has extensively criticized the pure approach to formal strategic planning. Mintzberg (1978) argued that "contemporary prescription and normative techniques to business analysis and planning seem unable to address the complex reality of strategy formation". This was supported by Peters and Waterman (1982) when they concluded that formal strategic planning leads to "paralysis induced by analysis". Hills (1994) similarly found out that formal strategic planning was useful in the evaluation of opportunities, setting priorities, and implementation but not at the creative stage of identifying opportunities. In this regard, it appears that a good business strategy makes it a point to integrate and harmonize the goals, policies and actions of the organization into a tactical coherence in order to ensure and guarantee the success in the industry. The integration of the conservative and traditional management practices was observed in the ever-increasing complexity of the business environment. The technological advancements that characterizes the information era at present paved the way to the efficient conceptualization of more creative and effective business frameworks which when utilized by business companies will open more possibilities and better position in the competitive atmosphere in the industry. Hence, identifying the use of the control and the creative aspects in operating a business should be distinguished by a well-rounded entrepreneur. These will serve as the key to achieving the economic goals set by the by the entrepreneur for the overall success of the business since pure approach to operating a business venture will not exhaust the full potential of a particular business establishment. This paper aims to define what a "best entrepreneur" is, the qualities and characteristics of a good entrepreneur will be presented. The study chose two best entrepreneurs from United Kingdom, and they are Anita Riddick, the founder of The Body Shop and Joe Ashburner of Noonoo Designs. Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is valuable to the enterprise and also necessitates creativity as this aspect involves a constant search for new ways to compete in the market place. As all firms are always on the constant renewal mode, creative ideas must always be within reach. Indeed, the enterprise needs individuals who can couple a firm's capability and adapt to the rapid changes of the marketplace. This is not a role shouldered by the management alone, but must be shared with the participants as well, especially those working closely closest to the customers. Value-added entrepreneurial capability includes the ability and willingness to remain alert to the opportunities to the firm and to participate in the development of a solution. So as to make the most of each individual's contribution and productivity, it is probably more effective if each will be given an area of expertise. In this way, an individual can develop a capability in that arena, which will not only apply to individuals but also to their organizations. Network leadership must also enlist coalition attitudes so as to rekindle a sense of community. For an organization, this is a sense of belonging even if it is for a short period of time.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Bermuda Triangle Essay Example for Free
The Bermuda Triangle Essay The Bermuda Triangle is one of the biggest mysteries in the world. Since Christopher Columbus discovered it in 1492, there have been numerous airplanes, ships, and vessels to â€Å"disappear†in the middle of the triangle. There are many theories about what could have happened to these missing ships, but no one really knows what is out there for sure. Some say that the lost city of Atlantis is at he bottom of the Atlantic Ocean; some say there are Aliens. Others believe it is just as simple as mother nature and is all just over exaggerated. This all leads to the million dollar question: is the Bermuda Triangle just a living legend, or is there really something paranormal out in the â€Å"Devils Triangle†? Many know that the Bermuda Triangle is a triangle is the Atlantic Ocean, but would like to know who discovered the Bermuda Triangle, and how it was became discovered. There are many myths and legends about the triangle, but many do not know a lot about them. This paper will look more into each myth; the Atlantis myth, the underwater electromagnetic field, and the UFO attacks. Many people ask which myths are real and which ones are fake, but no one will ever know for sure. Some of the myths seem a bit far fetched, such as the aliens, but the electromagnetic fields at the bottom of the ocean seem a little bit reasonable. The triangle is also known for getting many typhoons, so maybe that has something to do with the missing airplanes. Another frequently asked question is how many ships have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle? There must be a lot if it is a worldwide myth. What happened during Flight 19?. When did it happen and how? The biggest question that people may ask is if the Bermuda Triangle is real or not. It is a very frequently asked question when the subject comes up. Is there any strong evidence towards one side or another? The vicinity of the Bermuda triangle is known, however the exact spot where people disappear is not known. Where the Bermuda Triangle is located, is subject to three way water currents. These currents are capable of causing storms powerful enough to damage ships and aircrafts. The boundaries of the triangle cover the straits of Florida, the Bahamas, and the entire Caribbean island area and the Atlantic east to the Azores. There are over sixty-six airplanes and ships that have passed through the Bermuda Triangle and have never been found. The Bermuda Triangle is not known for any specific season. It is sunny, but there are usually winds. Some of the accidents that have been told to have happen in the Bermuda triangle did not, the happened in other locations but somehow get added to the list of accidents in the Bermuda Triangle over time. Christopher Columbus and his crew was the first people who discovered the Bermuda Triangle. He first documented dancing lights on the horizon, and bizarre compass readings. It was said that Christopher Columbus documented these sitings on October 11, 1492. There are several disappearances and several myths about the Triangle. In 1872, a large vessel called ‘Mary Celeste’ was spotted by a ship call Dei Gratia sailing awkwardly. The Dei Gratia decided to stop by and take a look and saw no one was on the ship. The life boat was missing and they left the ship vacant and in perfect condition. Another weird myth and mystery that happened in the Bermuda Triangle happened on December 27, 1948. Commercial flight called NC-16002 DC-3 was flying to Puerto Rico. The pilot radioed Miami when they were fifty miles out to receive specific directions. Once they received the directions, Miami never received a response back, making it a missing ship. Yet these are known as myths, they have really happened. (Bermuda Triangle Facts, Mystery, Myths Theories Surrounding Bermuda Triangle) One of the first myths about the Bermuda Triangle was the disappearance of USS Cyclops in 1918. The ship was launched in 1910, and carried coal for the Navy in World War I. The ship was on it was from Salvador to Baltimore, but the ship never made it. The ship had to make an unscheduled stop in Barbados on March 3rd, but after this stop it vanished without a trace. No traces of this ship were ever found, no wreckage or distress signals were received. There were 306 people’s lives lost on this ship, the most lives lost in Naval history that did not involve combat. Not only is Cyclops being a missing is a mystery, so is where it went missing. This ship could of gone missing anywhere from Barbados to Baltimore. Communication was unreliable in 1918 making hard to tell what happened, and they might not have had time to call before sinking. Flight 19 is another mystery about the Bermuda Triangle, a training mission that took off from Fort Lauderdale on December 5th, 1945. The leader of Flight 19 was Charles Taylor, an experienced crew member. Twelve of the people on the plan were students. About 2 hours after takeoff Taylor messaged the base stating he was disorientated. He stated, Both my compasses are out. Im over land, but its broken. Im sure Im in the Keys, but I dont know how far down and I dont know how to get to Fort Lauderdale. If the flight had gone like it was supposed to, the flight should have approximately been over Great Sale Cay, 200 miles from the keys. For the next two hours, the crew flew north and east with little communication. The base was under the belief the flight should have been over the Gulf of Mexico and soon be back over Florida. One the final things the base heard from the flight was, All planes close up tight we will have to ditch unless landfall. when the first man gets down to 10 gallons we will all land in the water together. Immediately a boat was launched to find the men, but had to return when its antenna iced over. Another boat took off and within an hour and a half, a tanker observed an explosion. A patch of oil and wreckage was found boat is believed to have exploded. A five day search was sent out, and 250,000 square mile was searched. Not even a trace of Flight 19 was found. Over the years the story of Flight 19 has been changed and exaggerated. Some sources say UFOs were spotted, none of which was recorded. Although it seems bizarre that Taylors compasses failed, where the landed it also questionable. Bahamas look similar to Florida from the air, after a five hour flight not knowing where they were headed, means it could of landed various places. It seems very possible that the flight ran out of gas before the men had time get on the rafts. Along with many myths and mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, there are also a lot of theories. Some theories about the triangle are that it could have something to do with UFO. Steven Spielberg used this theory in his Hollywood film called ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’. This site explains some supernatural theories just to explain why things disappeared in the vicinity of the triangle. It also says that it is also known as one of the two places on earth where a compass will not point to true, magnetic north. Another theory that the world has come up with is Atlantis and its mysterious crystals. This theory has become popular by a man named Edgar Cayce, who claims to see the future and spirits from the past life in Atlantis. Cayce says that they had remarkable technologies such as powerful â€Å"fire crystals†which helped them produce energy. He believes that those crystals went out of control and sunk the whole city of Atlantis. It is believed that the crystals are damaged, therefore sending out their nuclear power beneath the ocean waves. The nuclear power interferes with the ships and planes going through the Bermuda Triangle. Dr. Ben Clennell is the man who brought the â€Å"methane gas†theory to the eyes of the public. He believes that the methane gas locked in the bottom of the ocean has to do with the missing ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle. He says that subterranean landslides can possibly release the methane gas into the oceans making it dangerous for ships to pass through. A large amount of methane would reduce the density of the oceans water, making ships sink like nothing. After it sunk that Gulf Stream could have the ability to move the wreckage miles from where it sunk. The gas is also highly combustible and can ignite, sending planes shooting into the ocean. These explosions can be very violent. Another theory is that the Bermuda Triangle is a portal to another dimension. A number of witnesses have reported UFOs in this area. There is thought that the government is conducting tests in the Bermuda Triangle, but what they are looking for is a mystery. National Geographic is investigating reports of an underwater city near Cuba, but have not made any announcements on what they have learned. The Bermuda Triangle is known for geomagnetic fields. These fields could cause the compass readings. Geomagnetic fields are common throughout the world, making this very possible. The planes could also go missing by methane rising into the air and causing them to blow up. There is no proof what really happens in the Bermuda Triangle and still remains as one of Earths biggest mysteries Lawrence David Kusch did an investigation to the Bermuda Triangle. Kusche frequently requested information from the library about the Bermuda Triangle, but he discovered there was very little reliable information available. Him and group of librarian formed a group, and began researching the area. Kusche tried to find the answer to the mystery and legends that had been created about the Bermuda Triangle. He had a good background that helped him understand the research that he was conducting. Kusche explains his research by presenting each myth, followed by the known facts. He then states the source of which he got his information. One of the legends Kusche researched was the one that involves Air Force C-124. This flight disappeared on its way to Ireland. This legend happened in March 1950. The Air Force has no recorded of ant missing C-124s that month in the Atlantic. In March 1951 there was a report of an aircraft that went down in route to England. This aircraft did not go missing within the next 24 hours pieces of this aircraft showed up. In conclusion, whether or not the Bermuda Triangle is real or fake has never truly been discovered. There is a lot of evidence on both sides, but some of which cannot be proven to be true or false. Scientists know for a fact that there is something bizarre about the triangle and what happens inside, but some of the occurrences may not be truly paranormal activity. Some of the disappearances may only be mother nature and nothing more. The Bermuda Triangle still is one of the worlds biggest mysteries.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Current Education System Impact on Creativity
Current Education System Impact on Creativity Abstract This paper discusses how the current system education in Latin America kills creativity. The paper explains that standard test need to be reorganized and how the system would improve. Then it will show how free time is important for each student to have better knowledge. Finally, you will find how is the methodology of the system to reflect on the path we are following. Also along the paper there are some comments to solve the problem because that problem is affecting childhood. Keywords: Current educational system, creativity, students , methodology, childhood. The current education system kills creativity Does every person have the same opportunities in the current education system? The answer is clear No. Nowadays the current education system is based on a few important subjects such as maths, science and language but it does not focus on people who like to dance or sing. In the article The case for disruption in Latin Americans classrooms (Segan, 2016), Susan says that many schools in Latin America continue to use antiquated models for education. For many years education system in those developing countries has not had a great change, even though humans are developing every moment; our cars improved, our computers improved, and our engines improved. However, in the article Inteligencias Mà ºltiples: La teorà a en la prà ¡ctica. (Howard), Gardner suggest that we have been used this education system since industrial revolution. In those days this system worked because the world necessities only consisted on memorizing or following instructions. This education system uses those old techniques such as memorization but in todays world skills such as creativity, imagination, and innovation are needed. Gardner also suggests that there is more than only one intelligence so why does education system only focus on some of them? We have different ways to learn, create, and innovate so we cannot keep on using this system. Each person is different and unique so the system cannot judge us equal. Also, the world has changed since the industrial revolution and our necessities have changed too. Now we have many people without work because the system does not prepare them for new labour requirements because the world need more people who can solve problems. On top of that the current educational system believes that some subjects are more important than others such as math and dance but nothing farther than the truth because a dancer can create and innovate with his/her body. However we sometimes think that a mathematic or a logic person only has theoretical knowledge and c annot apply that kind of knowledge in real life, but that is not true in all cases. However the current system education guides us to think in a unique way. For those reasons by me there are 3 issues with the current system education that kills creativity. Standard test are not suitable for all students First of all, standardized tests are one of the biggest problems in the education system. In the article Inteligencias Mà ºltiples: La teorà a en la prà ¡ctica. (Howard) , the author says that there are several different intelligent. Based on this information in my view standard test is not a good way to evaluate a students progress. Standardized test are based on questions to benefit certain people with specific skills. For example, in Ecuador there is an exam called ENES which benefit people who have logical and linguistic intelligence. However, people who do not have those skills cannot pass this exam so they believe that they are not able to study anything. Those exams are created to benefit specific skills such as the ability to calculate math problems or create and solve equations. However, in the article The case for disruption in Latin Americans classrooms (20 May 2016), Susan Segal says that the way students learn and what they need to learn is rapidly changing so the ma in problem is Can a unique exam apply to everyone? According to Gardner there are different intelligent, skills and necessities so those kinds of exams do not work because each person has different skills and necessities. By the contrast this kind of test judges everyone as equals. Another issue is that a test takes a lot of time to be answered and is exhausting for students. People who control educational system should change test methodology and try to make them less stressful. With this in mind if tests were more practical, students would increase their knowledge faster and they would develop new important abilities. For example, with a test is difficult to value the real awareness. By the contrast by creating projects would be better to evaluate each student. By creating projects students develop skills such as to resolve real problems, create new ideas or improve leadership. In science, we dont begin by knowing the answer-we value the process ¨ (Ossola, 2014). That shows us that sometimes we need to move our hands to learn better. If we do not make the process we will have knowledge but we would not be able to apply that knowledge in the real world. One solution for this problem would be to decrease the number of tests and increase the number of pro jects but tests could be more practical because now there are a lot of tests that only exploit our ability to memorize. At the present time our world is more competitive and big ideas are required to improve our world. In this way test should be related to take advantage of those skills and guide us to use them to resolve real problems. Time should be better spent Secondly, the lack of free time for students is another problem in the current education system. Time is important for every one because we can use it on different things such as relaxing, doing homework, playing or whatever we like. However, what happens if we spend too much time in classes? We do not take advantage of the hundred percentage of our time because we have exhausting classes with a long schedule. In some cases each subject is token 2 hours per day, so teachers cannot stay those schedules and neither do students. Thus students get stressed easily and cannot pay attention very well. Also students who do not like some subjects spend their time in other activities such as playing on their cell phones, chatting or joking. Hence time is not taken advantage of in classes, so schedule should benefit students and teachers. Each one works better if they are relaxed. A good example to take advantage of time is in the article, A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill, electrifying a nati on. (2007). Where Sarah Childress says that while William Kamkwanba quietly plowed through homework, his classmates were busy gossiping and checking their Facebook profiles. He took advantage of his time while his partners did not spend time in a good way. Also William Kamkwanba created a new project without any pressure. He was relaxed and he worked better. Also he did not spend his time in classes because he was forced to work with his hands so he worked better if he was moving his hands. Also William Kamkwanba had done his work without any teacher; he is a great example of self-preparation. A great example of this is when he built a wind will only with a book. This shows that the only limit is our imagination. He worked every minute in his project so his project could be done. Based on that the scholar system should change the schedule and exploit each ones abilities taken advantage of every minute in classes and give more free time to decrease stress. Also the system should cons ider different ways to exploit time. As we can see in Willians example creating projects is one of the best solutions because with projects we are able to think outside the box and not waste time. Time is too important because we cannot recover lost time. The current methodology no longer works Finally, the current methodology based on memorization is an impediment to learn because creative people are wasting their time. Nowadays memorization is an important base in our education system. However not all students are able to learn in this way also this way of teaching does not teach critical thinking skills. If we think on memorization, scientist comes up our mind because some people believe that they are like robots and they only memorize their books. However , in the article Scientists Are More Creative than You Might Imagine (Nov 12, 2014). Ossola Alexandra believes that scientists are like artists as well. Scientists are able to create because they need new ideas. Also projects are based on new ideas and a scientist always does projects. If a scientist only has the ability of memorize, he would fail in the science world. However the education system, which I described before, is not useful for different skills based on creativity, it focuses in creating head knowledge. S chools only teach what they need to learn they only teach facts, but sometimes they do not teach how they can apply that knowledge and students are like machines, empty machines. A student can follow instructions but the real question is, can that student think by himself. Curiosity, initiative, leadership are not used in classes and they are abilities that can help a student not only in his studies also in his life. Innovative solutions and new technologies are emerging around the world (Segal Susan, 2016). That means that there are a lot of people with good ideas. However in Latin America those techniques such as creativity, collaboration, problem-solving and others are not taken of advantage because those skills are killed in schools or high schools. The system only teaches us to follow one way. Nevertheless kids are living a different reality so they need different skills. Memorization is an antiquate technique that should be changed by techniques like leadership or adaptability initiative. To sum up In conclusion if the current education system in Latin America based on memorization and head knowledge are not useful in the world today, we should find a solution to help people with fresh ideas, innovation or creativity. Today we are judge a fish by its ability to climb that shows us that we are not creating people who can solve real problems because the education system is focused head knowledge. However, the world need more than knowledge as developing countries we should be able to pick the best of other education systems from countries with better development. Also education system is too important for each one because kids are formed in this system and they will be the future of our society. Nevertheless we are killing their abilities and we are formed robots that only have linear thinking. Is true that there are problems so we need to identify which are they and try to find a solution. Childress, S. (2007, DECEMBER 12). A Young Tinkerer Builds a Windmill. Retrieved from THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: Howard, G. (n.d.). Inteligencias Mà ºltiples: La teorà a en prà ¡ctica. Barcelona: PAIDÓS. Ossola, A. (2014, November 12). Scientists Are More Creative Than You Might Imagen. Retrieved from the Atlantic: Sean T, F. (Director). (25 june 2013). El Sistema Educativo Finlandà ©s Subtitulado web [Motion Picture]. Segan, S. (2016, May 20). The case for disruption in Latin Americas. Retrieved from The World Economic Forum on Latin:
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Underlying Message of The Tyger by William Blake Essay -- The Tyge
The Underlying Message of The Tyger by William Blake Blake’s legendary poem â€Å"The Tyger†is deceivingly straightforward. Though Blake uses â€Å"vividly simple language†(Hirsch, 244), the poem requires a deeper understanding from the reader. There are many misconceptions concerning the symbols in â€Å"The Tyger†(specifically the tiger itself). This often leads to confusion concerning the underlying message of the poem. Compared to Blake’s â€Å"meek†and â€Å"mild†lamb, the tiger is hard to accept. It is a symbol for that which people fear. For some, their fears are not reality, and are much easier to ignore than accept. But no matter how hard to accept, the lamb and tiger are equally important, and together create a balance that is ideally healthy for the world. The Tyger can be interpreted through many different theologies, as a form of the sublime, and as an essential part of human life. Because Blake is ambiguous about the tiger’s nature it is hard to understand. Blake uses paradox to his advantage in the first stanza, which creates an ambiguous effect: The expressions â€Å"forests of the night†and â€Å"fearful†have a menacing quality that is negative in nature. On the other hand â€Å"bright†and â€Å"symmetry†(a sign of perfection) have positive overtones, and are more commonly associated with goodness. Blake has given many clues; and the effect is such that the reader is led to believe that the tiger has both good and evil qualities. The one underlying question that Blake asks of the reader: what God could â€Å"dare†(l.24) to create such a creature? According to the Christian doctrine, there is one God who is the maker of everything. Though there is much argument over how much He partakes in the creation of evil. Nonetheless, this passage is found in the Bible: â€Å"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.†(Isaiah 45:7). The tiger could very well be the expression of this God. There are many other beliefs in the world besides Christianity within which the tiger can be proven to reside. Monotheism, for example, is the â€Å"belief in a single, universal, all-encompassing deity†(Wikipedia). This deity could also be the â€Å"immortal hand†that formed the Tyger. Manicheanism, one of the major ancient religions, uses the theology of dualism as its main principle. The Dualism doctrine can be said to â€Å"consist of two basic opposing... ...he tiger and the lamb.†(250) Ultimatley, the reader must make the decision whether the tyger is a positive or negative part of life. Works Cited 1. E.D. Hirsch, JR. Innocence and Experience: And Introduction to Blake USA: Yale University, 1964. 2. The Holy Bible containing The Old and New Testaments, King James Version Toronto: Canadian Bible Society. 3. â€Å"Dualism†, â€Å"Monotheism†, â€Å"Christianity†, Manicheanism†, â€Å"Taoism†Wikipedia. 4. Roy P. Basler. â€Å"The Tyger: A Psychological Interpretation†Sex, Symbolism, and Psychology in Literature. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1948. 20-24. 5. Morton D. Paley, â€Å"Tyger of Wrath†. Twentieth Century Interpretations of Songs of Innocence and of Experience. Ed. Morton D. Paley. USA: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 68-92 6. â€Å"Manicheanism†Encyclopedia of the Orient 7. William Blake. â€Å"The Tyger†, Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. E.V. Roberts and H. E. Jacobs 7th Ed. USA: Pearson Prentice Hall 2004. 8. William Shakespeare, â€Å"Henry V†
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Vitamin C in Treatment of the Common Cold :: Health Medicine Papers
Vitamin C in Treatment of the Common Cold Is Vitamin C the cure for the common cold? Will it reduce the severity and duration of a cold? Will it prevent you from ever having another cold? Of course, we would all like to think that would be true, but what’s the real effect of Vitamin C supplements? What is Vitamin C and Where Can I Find It? Vitamin C is water soluble and functions as an antioxidant and as a coenzyme. Furthermore, it can perform different functions in various situations, such as aiding in collagen formation for teeth, cartilage, and connective tissue and aiding in the formation of new tissue in wound healing. Vitamin C can be found in foods such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, cantaloupe, grapefruit, kiwi, oranges, peppers, and strawberries. Presently the RDA is 60 mg. What are the Dangers? Vitamin C Deficiency Vitamin C deficiency is rather rare in Western countries, however, it still occurs in alcoholics, drug addicts, and the elderly--groups whose dietary intakes are often very poor. Marginal deficiency symptoms are gingivitis, loose teeth, aching limbs and joints, poor wound healing, and weakening of tissues which increases the risk of infection. (Grodner, Anderson, & DeYoung; 1996) Vitamin C Toxicity Despite the fact that Vitamin C is essential to good health, you can have too much of a good thing. Although toxicity from foods high in Vitamin C does not occur, taking supplements in large doses (1 gm to 15 gm) may result in symptoms such as cramps, nausea, diarrhea, kidney stones, and gout. After receiving excessive amounts of Vitamin C, the body begins to destroy much of the excess Vitamin C that is in circulation. Furthermore, there is a potential rebound effect upon abruptly stopping supplementation for the body is still in the process of destroying the vitamin. (Grodner, Anderson, & DeYoung; 1996) Brown (1973) also warned that chronic massive doses of Vitamin C resulted in increased mobilization of calcium and phosphate from the skeletons of chicks, weakening the bone structure. Although unsure if massive doses would produce the same effect in humans, the author warned against chronic massive supplementation. Vitamin C and Colds: How Does it Work? Vitamin C is often used for both prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. Wilson, Loh, and Foster (1972) state that the prophylactic effect refers to the ability of vitamin C to prevent a cold Furthermore, commencement of administration of vitamin C when cold symptoms first appear constitutes the therapeutic use.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Entrance Exam
Virgen Milagrosa University Fondation San Carlos City, Pangasinan College Of Computer Science SY (2012-2013) Entrance examination System of Psu Programmers: Julius Eric S. Tuliao CS II-B Arnel Soriano CS II-B Kenneth Gatpo CS II-B Data Dictionary Database Name : StudInfo Table Name: Table StudInfo Field NameData TypeField SizeDescription ID NumberAutonumberLong IntegerRefers to the ID number of the examinee. NameText28Refers to the name of the examinee. AddressText30Refers to the address of the examinee AgeText15Refers to the age of the examinee.GenderText6Refers to the gender of the examinee. StatusText10Refers to the civil status of the examinee ReligionText25Refers to the religious belief of the examinee Contact NumberNumberLong IntegerRefers to the contact number of the examinee. No. Of CorrectNumberLong IntegerRefers to the number of correct answers of the examinee. Scholarship DiscountText5Refers to the equivalent scholarship discount of the number correct answers of the examin ee. CourseText10Refers to the preferred course of the examinee. Table Name: AdminField NameData TypeField SizeDescription ID NumberAutonumberLong IntegerRefers To the ID number of the administrator UsernameText25Refers to the username of the administrator PasswordText25Refers to the password of the student Screenshots With Description When the user run the system a progressbar will appear when the progressbar is full a message box will be displayed that says that loading is complete. After Clicking the ok button in the message box the homepage will appear. The user will see that at the menu bar there is a File, Help, and Exit menus.The menu File contains the submenus: Administrator and Examinee Under the Help menu is the submenus: About the programmer and about the system which contains the information abut we the programmers and the system. The exit menu allows the user to exit the system but before the user could exit the system a message box will be shown in which he will be ask to confirm exit. This login form will appear once you click the submenu administrator under the File menu. It will then ask the user to enter his/her password and username.After the user enters the correct username and password the administrator form will appear which has four different menus namely: File, Account, View, and Report. The File menu contains the submenu logout which is used to exit the administrator form. The Account menu contains the new account. The View menu contains the View All submenu which allows the user to view all the enlisted information about the examinees. The Report Menu contain the submenus: View All, 100% discount, 75% discount, 50% discount, 25% discount and 0% discount.These submenus allows the user to have a printable copy of the examinees information and he could also choose among the different classification of the examinee who already took the examination. In this form you could add new account that will allow you to have access to the administrat or form. This is the form that shows the enlisted information of the examinees who already took up the examination. It allows the user to edit the information of the examinee (except the number of correct and the scholarship discount) and save it to the database. The user could also delete not needed records.The user could also move from one information to another just by clicking the next, previous, first and last buttons. This form is the about the system form it states the function of our system and other information about the system. This is the about the programmers form it allows the user to browse the information of the programmer of his/her choice by clicking the buttons whose captions corresponds to the name of the programmer. This is the information about one of the programmers of this system Arnel Soriano. This is the information about Kenneth Gatpo. This is the information of Julius Eric Tuliao.This is the data report of all the examinees. This is the information about t he students who has 100% discount on their tuition fees. Screenshots With Codes Codes: Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If (pb. Value) = 16 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"50%†ElseIf txtscore. Text >= 10 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"25%†ElseIf txtscore. Text >= 0 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"0%†End If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. Update Dim a As Integer a = MsgBox(â€Å"Thank You†¦ You Have Just Finished The Entrance Examination†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. AddNew txtnam.Text = frmexamsignin. txtname. Text txtage. Text = frmexamsignin. txtage. Text txtadd. Text = frmexamsignin. txtaddress. Text txtstat. Text = frmexamsignin. cmbstat. Text txtgen. Text = frmexamsignin. cmbgender. Text txtrel. Text = frmexamsignin. txtreligion. Text txtcon. Text = frmexamsignin. txtcontact. Text txtcourse. Text = frmexamsignin. cmbcourse. Text txtscore. Text = 0 framea. Vi sible = True Frameb. Visible = True framec. Visible = False framed. Visible = False cmdsubmit. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub opt1_Click(Index As Integer) cmdsubmit. Visible = True End Sub Private Sub opt2_Click(Index As Integer) mdsubmit. Visible = True End Sub Private Sub opt3_Click(Index As Integer) cmdsubmit. Visible = True End Sub Private Sub optcheck30_Click() cmdsubmit. Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() If (Val(lbltimer2) = 0) Then lbltimer1. Caption = Val(lbltimer1) – 1 lbltimer2. Caption = 59 Else lbltimer2. Caption = Val(lbltimer2 – 1) End If If (Val(lbltimer1) = 0 And Val(lbltimer2) = 0) Then Timer1. Enabled = False If optcheck1. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck2. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck3. Value = True Then txtscore.Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck4. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optch eck5. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck6. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck7. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck8. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck9. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck10. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck11.Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck12. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck13. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck14. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck15. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck16. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck17. Value = True Then txtsco re. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck18. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore.Text) + 1 End If If optcheck19. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck20. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck21. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck22. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck23. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck24. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck25. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck26. Value = True Then xtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck27. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck28. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If optcheck29. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Te xt) + 1 End If If optcheck30. Value = True Then txtscore. Text = Val(txtscore. Text) + 1 End If If txtscore. Text >= 25 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"100%†ElseIf txtscore. Text >= 19 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"75%†ElseIf txtscore. Text >= 16 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"50%†ElseIf txtscore. Text >= 10 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"25%†ElseIf txtscore.Text >= 0 Then txtper. Text = â€Å"0%†End If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. Update a = MsgBox(â€Å"Sorry your time is up†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End If End Sub Codes: Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() txtname = â€Å"†txtage = â€Å"†txtstat = â€Å"†txtreligion = â€Å"†txtcontact = â€Å"†txtaddress = â€Å"†cmbgender = â€Å"†cmbcourse. Text = â€Å"†End Sub Private Sub cmdhome_Click() frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdsave_Click() Dim a As Integer If txtname. Text = à ¢â‚¬Å"†Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf txtaddress. Text = â€Å"†Then = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf txtage. Text = â€Å"†Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf txtcontact. Text = â€Å"†Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf txtreligion. Text = â€Å"†Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf cmbgender. Text = â€Å"†Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. â€Å", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) ElseIf cmbstat. Text = â€Å"†Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Please Fill Up All The Fields. , vbInformation + vb OKOnly, â€Å"message†) Else cmdtake. Visible = True End If End Sub Private Sub cmdtake_Click() Load frmexam frmexam. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() txtname. Text = â€Å"†txtage. Text = â€Å"†txtaddress. Text = â€Å"†txtreligion. Text = â€Å"†txtcontact. Text = â€Å"†cmbstat. Text = â€Å"†cmbgender. Text = â€Å"†cmbcourse. Text = â€Å"†cmbgender. AddItem (â€Å"Male†) cmbgender. AddItem (â€Å"Female†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Widow†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Married†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Single†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Legally Separated†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSCS†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSED†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSBA†) cmbcourse.AddItem (â€Å"BSENG†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSPHAR†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSDENTISTRY†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSHRM†) cmbcourse. AddItem (à ¢â‚¬Å"BSN†) End Sub Private Sub txtcontact_Change() If Not IsNumeric(txtcontact. Text) Then txtcontact. Text = â€Å"†End If End Sub Codes: Private Sub cdm_Click(Index As Integer) txtpin = txtpin & cdm(Index). Caption End Sub Private Sub cmd_Click() txtpin. Text = Left(txtpin, Len(txtpin) – 1) End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() ‘set the global var to false ‘to denote a failed login LoginSucceeded = False Me. Hide Load frmhomepage frmhomepage. Show End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() Dim a As StringOn Error GoTo record If (DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. BOF = True) And (DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. EOF = True) Then Exit Sub a = MsgBox(â€Å"valid Account or Password†, vbInformation, â€Å"Error†) txtuser. Text = â€Å"†txtpass. Text = â€Å"†Exit Sub End If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. MoveFirst If txtuser. Text = lbla. Caption And txtpass. Text = lblp. Caption Then Load frmadminmenu frmadminmenu. Show Me. Hide txtuser. Text = â€Å"†txtpass. Text = â€Å"†End If Do With DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2 .MoveNext If . EOF Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"Invalid Account or Password, try again! â€Å", vbInformation, â€Å"Error†) txtuser.Text = â€Å"†txtpin. Text = â€Å"†Exit Sub ElseIf txtuser. Text = lbla. Caption And txtpass. Text = lblp. Caption Then Load frmadminmenu frmadminmenu. Show Me. Hide txtuser. Text = â€Å"†txtpass. Text = â€Å"†Exit Sub Else End If End With Loop Until (DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. EOF) record: Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() lbla. Visible = False lblp. Visible = False Picture1. Visible = True Picture2. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Picture1. Visible = True Picture2. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer2_Timer() Picture2. Visible = True Picture1. Visible = False End Sub Codes:Private Sub cmdback_Click() frmadminmenu. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() txtPassword = â⠂¬Å"†txtUserName = â€Å"†End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. Update Dim a As String a = MsgBox(â€Å"Your Username and Password has been Saved†) End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand2. AddNew Picture1. Visible = True Picture3. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Picture1. Visible = True Picture3. Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Timer2_Timer() Picture3. Visible = True Picture1. Visible = False End Sub Codes: Private Sub cmdarnel_Click()Load frmprograma frmprograma. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmderic_Click() Load frmprogramj frmprogramj. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdken_Click() Load frmprogramk frmprogramk. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub home_Click() frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End Sub Codes: Private Sub cmdprogram_Click() Load frmprogram frmprogram. Show Unload Me End Sub Codes: Private Sub admin_Click() frmadminmenu. Show Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cmdadminmenu_Click() End Sub Private Sub cmddelete_Click() If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF True Then X = MsgBox(â€Å"Are you sure you want to delete this item? , vbYesNo + vbQuestion, â€Å"This data is not recoverable†) If X = vbNo Then Exit Sub Else On Error Resume Next DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. Delete DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveNext If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF = True Then DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveLast End If End If Else X = MsgBox(â€Å"no current record†, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, â€Å"Warning! â€Å") End If End Sub Private Sub cmdedit_Click() txtname. Locked = False txtaddress. Locked = False txtage. Locked = False cmbgender. Locked = False cmbstat. Locked = False txtreligion. Locked = False txtcontact. Locked = False End Sub Private Sub cmdfirst_Click()DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveFirst cmdnext. Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdlast_Click() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveLast cmdprev. Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub cmdnext_Cli ck() Dim a As String If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF = True Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"End of file was encountered†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) cmdnext. Enabled = False Exit Sub Else DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveNext cmdprev. Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub cmdprev_Click() Dim a As String If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. BOF = True Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"beginning of file was encountered†, vbInformation + bOKOnly, â€Å"message†) cmdprev. Enabled = False Exit Sub Else DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MovePrevious cmdnext. Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub cmdsave_Click() DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. Update X = MsgBox(â€Å"data Updated†, vbOKOnly + vbInformation) txtname. Locked = True txtaddress. Locked = True txtage. Locked = True txtreligion. Locked = True txtcontact. Locked = True txtcorrect. Locked = True txtdiscount. Locked = True cmbgender. Locked = True cmbstat. Locked = True End Sub Private Sub cmdsearch_ Click() Dim a As Integer Dim search As String On Error GoTo record search = â€Å"†If (DataEnvironment1. sCommand1. BOF = True And DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF = True) Then Exit Sub End If DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. MoveFirst search = InputBox(â€Å"Enter Name†, â€Å"Search a record†) If search = txtname. Text Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"record Found†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) End If Do With DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1 .MoveNext If . EOF Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"No record Found†, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, â€Å"message†) Exit Sub ElseIf search = txtname. Text Then a = MsgBox(â€Å"record Found†) Exit Sub Else End If End With Loop Until (DataEnvironment1. rsCommand1. EOF) record: Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() txtname.Locked = True txtaddress. Locked = True txtage. Locked = True txtreligion. Locked = True txtcontact. Locked = True txtcorrect. Locked = True txtdiscount. Locked = True cmbgender. Locked = True cmbstat. Locked = True cmbgender. AddItem (â€Å"Male†) cmbgender. AddItem (â€Å"Female†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Single†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Married†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Legally Separated†) cmbstat. AddItem (â€Å"Widow†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSCS†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSED†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSBA†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSENG†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSPHAR†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSDENTISTRY†) cmbcourse. AddItem (â€Å"BSHRM†) cmbcourse.AddItem (â€Å"BSN†) End Sub Private Sub homepage_Click() frmhomepage. Show Unload Me End Sub Introduction of entrance examination system Computers greatly enhances the speed and accurate result of counting process. Results could be attained even right after the examinations reducing the time to a simple part compare to the time it takes if the examinations is done manually. Computerize entrance examin ations have the possible to create examinations results with much greater accuracy than traditional paper-based entrance examination system. Computer machines invented to influence us to make our work easier and better.In schools, banks and offices use computerized system in its operations to avoid time consuming and improve competence for the better service. With the help of computerized system people may take their advantages in order to meet their work faster. The world is changing so fast that we need to keep abreast to the fast upgrading of computer technologies to make us more productive. Many schools that conduct examination are using their manual based system up to present. In managing their system, they have encountered difficulties and problems for it is laborious and time consuming.The Guidance Counselor of PANGASINAN STATE UNIVERISITY San Carlos Campus gave the entrance exam to all incoming freshmen in order to test the mental capabilities of every student. In Manual Sys tem, the processing of transactions of the Guidance Counselor may take time consuming in recording, checking and retrieving files of students. If the students did not meet the cut off score in the examination, the student will not be qualified to enroll in the school. This study is about a Local Area Network (LAN) Based examination which allows communication from server to client or vice versa to provide data and to make the task easier
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