Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Find Online Business and Management Degree Programs 2019
An online degree from an accredited business school in business or management can offer you multiple opportunities all over the world. The majority of people who are using online programs today are doing so in order to move up the career ladder so they have a greater opportunity to qualify for management roles. A well rounded business education or management training can work for you in a remarkable number of career areas. Business managers are extremely important in a business economy because they perform a broad range of duties in nearly every sector of the economy. No company could survive without the management staff that allows so many organizations to operate as efficiently as they do.   Such staff includes, administration, payroll, conference planning and scheduling, distribution, telecommunications and information management. Getting a management degree online via a distance education program can provide you with the skills to perform in any of these environments. Bachelors degrees available through online business schools offer specialization in areas such as IT, healthcare, accounting, finance, communication, e-business and many others. Online programs are designed for working professionals and train you to handle various levels of responsibility and authority. These business schools are meant to strongly develop your career goals and can provide the business training you need in far less time than you might have anticipated. .u8fda3a4bb564485f5228adafd6ec8e8d { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u8fda3a4bb564485f5228adafd6ec8e8d:active, .u8fda3a4bb564485f5228adafd6ec8e8d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u8fda3a4bb564485f5228adafd6ec8e8d { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u8fda3a4bb564485f5228adafd6ec8e8d .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u8fda3a4bb564485f5228adafd6ec8e8d .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u8fda3a4bb564485f5228adafd6ec8e8d:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Associate Degree in Criminal Justice Boost Earning Potential and Streamline into the Criminal Justice WorkforceThere are different types of management roles that you can choose to focus on in the online programs. First-line business managers directly supervise a staff that performs various support services. Mid-level managers are given implementation responsibilities such as developing departmental plans, setting goals and deadlines, improving productivity and customer service. You can select the online program that will put you on a career path that fits your job aspirations. Taking business classes and earning a degree in business or management provides you the opportunity to be a generalist, or specialize in a certain career path with specialized skills. Search our index of hundreds of Online Business and Management Degree Programs offered by Accredited Colleges, Universities and Schools. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Advanced system analysis Free Essays
Many questions have been asked regarding what exactly systems engineering is and what the roles of systems engineers are. The questions mainly asked are if systems engineers perform general works or whether they specialize in specific tasks. The question of whether system engineering is the overall process of managing a project or a life cycle of roles such as program verification and validation. We will write a custom essay sample on Advanced system analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is even worth to either define the system engineering process as an attitude or a discipline. This research will entirely look at the many definitions of systems engineering and the roles that are played by the system engineers. The research will mention eleven roles that are executed by system engineers and some of these roles will be described as life cycle rules while others will be described as project management roles and others will fall on either group. The paper will also try to distinguish the roles played by system engineers from those played by subsystem engineers. The Role of a System Engineer at the System level Many companies have system engineering departments and the department’s main role is to check the product delivered to the customers. Engineers who work on the subsystems (elements that combine to form the whole system) are not always referred as system engineers but are referred with names according to the subsystem they work on; for example a software engineer will work on developing the software subsystem of the whole system, a Hardware engineer deals with the hardware subsystem of the whole system. Requirements owner role This role requires the system engineer to translate the customer needs into a set of well structured requirements which aid in the development of the whole system and the subsystems. The requirements should capture the external interfaces and ensure that the functional architecture of the needs is captured as well (Roger1985). The role of the subsystem engineer at this point is to assess the impact of the requirements to the system as a whole and its subsystem and decide which requirements should be modified. Subsystem specifications creation and maintenance is the other role that is handled by the subsystem engineer with various factors playing a major role in the formality of determining the requirements required. The factors include the degree of the customer needs, the company’s culture and the size of the project. Large projects mainly involve intense communications processes with formal processes (Roger 1985). System designing role At this role the system engineer will create the high level system architecture and then select the its major components. The system designer (Subsystem engineer) then investigates the possible ways of developing the system from pieces he possesses. He then compares those ways with the system requirements to ensure that the system’s functionality captures all the requirements stated in the previous stage. The system designer fine tunes the design and also describes in detail the needs of the other lower subsystems. And finally he confirms if the subsystems can meet the specifications available or if it is possible to develop them. Mainly the role of system engineers at this stage will be to focus on the architecture, high level design, integration and verification of the subsystem. The lower level development of the subsystem will be the role of the system designer (Matty1997). The system design role comes after the requirement engineer has come up with the requirements and the functional structure. The two tasks work together in the selection of the subsystems and the explanation of the subsystem requirements. System analysis role  System analysts (subsystem engineers) at this stage try to confirm if the system designed meets the system requirements stated. The things to be analyzed will be system throughput and output, memory usage, and the system response. The work of the system engineer is to model the complex parts of the system to investigate if they are able to work well and interface them with the outside world. Modeling will also assist the system engineers to understand the operations of the system. The system engineers carry out such modeling with various powerful simulation tools. The type of project will determine the extent of analysis to be carried out with complex and risky projects requiring higher levels of analysis. Validation and verification role So as to ensure that the developed system meets the stated requirements, validation and verification engineers develop a verification program and sometimes the system engineers also come up with the test plans and procedures and determine what’s supposed to happen during an event. Verification and validation engineers are responsible for answering such questions and should also be able to predict behaviour of the events in advance. Verification and Validation engineers are also able to fully understand the system design so that they are able to respond to any anomalies that may occur and incases of emergencies are aware of the experts to call (Fisher1992). The role of the verifications and validations depends on the organizational structure; in some organizations a system test group performs these roles while in others the roles are performed by both a group of system engineers and the system test group. Logistics and Operations (LO) Role. System engineers at this face will demonstrate to the customer of how the system will operate. They are also asked questions by the customers regarding the operation of the system, and will also settle any anomalies that will arise. Logistics engineers are to aid the design and development stage by bringing maintenance and logistics concerns to these stages (Roger1985). On the other hand logistics and operations engineers who at this stage are the subsystem engineers will be responsible for determining the logical operations of the system so as to ascertain if the system will satisfy the requirements that were stated. They are supposed to understand the design and the operational aspects of the system and have clues on the instructions to be given to users on how to operate the system. All these operations are entrusted to the Logistics and operations engineers since they are responsible for developing a user’s manual (Webster 1994). How to cite Advanced system analysis, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Ethics and Starbucks free essay sample
Introduction Marketing ethics refers to the moral principles concerning acceptable and unacceptable behavior related to the operation of marketing by business people (Barron’s Educational Series, 2007). In order to obtain higher profit, some of the companies may violate business ethical values. Background Mattel founded in 1945 is one of the largest toy companies in the world (Fortune, 2008). Although Mattel is a major toy company, there are many unethical issues found. Firstly, Mattel`s products contained lead paint and tiny magnets that could be swallowed (Mauro, 2007). Secondly, Mattel recalled toys frequently as there were five recalls in less than a year (Mattel. com, 2010). Thirdly, the packaging of Mattel`s product contributed to rainforest destruction (Jakarta, 2011). According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), these activities are unethical and violate 3 ethical values including responsibility, honesty and citizenship. Responsibility For responsibility, Mattel failed to accept the consequences of our marketing decision and strategies. Mattel did not recognize their special commitments to vulnerable market segments such as children who may be disadvantaged. First of all, on August 14 2007, Mattel`s product, the ‘Sarge’ cars, was discovered with lead paint and tiny magnets which are harmful and dangerous to children. Although the product was recalled, some of the products which are claimed passed still contain lead paint. However, Mattel minimized the impact of the use of lead paint. In fact, lead is toxic if ingested by children and there is no safe level of lead in them according to Dr. John Rosen, a lead poisoning specialist (Consumer news, 2007). Although the dangers of lead poisoning are hidden and unobservable, Mattel should take the responsibility instead of doing nothing to prevent the dangers . This violates the ethical value of responsibility because Mattel failed to recognize their special commitments to their customers. Honesty For honesty, Mattel failed to forthright in dealings with customers and stakeholders. Mattel promises that their priority is the safety of the children who play with their toys (URLwire, 2007). However, there were four recalls in six months in 2007, but Mattel did not draw a lesson. In 2010, Mattel toys had been recalled for five times. One of the products called Trikes and Tough Trikes toddler tricycles led to 10 serious injuries before the product was recalled. In order to meet their promise and ensure the safety of children, Mattel should check the quality of their products carefully before they are sold. In these cases, Mattel did not have an adequate quality control in the manufacturing process. Being the largest toy company in the world based on the revenue, Mattel should not recall the defected products only if the injuries happen. As a result, Mattel did not honor their promise to place children safety at the first place. This violates the ethical value of honesty according to AMA. Citizenship In terms of citizenship, Mattel failed to fulfill the economic, legal, philanthropic and societal responsibilities that serve stakeholders. Greenpeace evidenced that Barbie doll packaging come from Indonesian rainforests. Mattel did not protect the ecological environment in the execution of marketing campaigns. Mattel was using products from Asia Pulp and Paper (APP), a pulp and paper company notorious for destroying Indonesian rainforests, leading to the extinction of Sumatran Tiger (Greenpeace, 2011). The product of Mattel, Barbie, was wrapped up in rainforest destruction which destroys the ecological environment and pushes critically endangered wildlife towards extinction. Although Mattel adopted a new packaging policy after the blame from the public, they still did a lot of damages to the environment. According to ! 1 AMA, this practice is unethical because Mattel failed to fulfill the societal responsibility to serve the public and violates citizenship. Conclusion To sum up, consumers lose confident to Mattel`s products because of the mentioned unethical activities. As the world largest toy company, Mattel should not only focus on their sales, but also be more responsible for the environment. Although it is impossible to guarantee zero defected products, Mattel should pay more afford on the quality control to make sure the safety of children. In other words, Mattel should balance the profitability and ethic to achieve her international position. ! Reference Dictionary of Business Terms, Barrons Educational Series (2007), retrieved October 11, 2011 from http://www. allbusiness. com/glossaries/business-ethics/4962856-1. html ! Fortune 500 List (2008) . Fortune, May 5, 2008, Retrieved October 8, 2011. http://money. cnn. com/magazines/fortune/fortune500/2008/snapshots/272. html ! Jakarta, R. ( June 09, 2011), Greenpeace accuses Barbie of destroying rainforests, Retrieved October 10, 2011 from http://www. taipeitimes. com/News/front/archives/2011/06/09/2003505320 ! Kenyon, L. (October 5, 2011) Victory: Mattel and Barbie Drop Deforestation, Retrieved October 10, 2011 from http://www. greenpeace. org/usa/en/news-and-blogs/campaign-blog/victory-mattel-and-barbiedrop-deforestation/blog/37182/ ! Mattel (2010) . Mattel`s recall, Retrieved October 12, 2011 from http://service. mattel. com/us/recall. asp ! Mauro, T. (August 14, 2007), More Bad News from Mattel, Retrieved October 10, 2011 from http://specialchildren. about. com/b/2007/08/14/more-bad-news-from-mattel. htm ! MSNbc. com (2007, August14), Mattel issues new massive China toy recall, Retrieved October 11, 2011 from http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/20254745/#. Tp8KWN7peGI ! URLwire (September27, 2007) ,Mattel. com Offers Detailed Toy Recall Website, Retrieved October 13, 2011 from http://www. urlwire. com/news/092707. html? !2 ! Sample 2 – Middle Score Corporations’ marketing activities are important information channels for consumers to evaluate the products. Companies that utilize marketing activities to mislead consumers are regarded as unethical by the American Marketing Association. By examining iPhone 4’s marketing strategies, Apple Inc. has been found to violate several ethical standards. ! Apple Inc. is a corporation that designs personal computers and computer software (Apple 2010). In recent years, the company has launched the iPhone series that instantly captivated the consumers (Dalrymple 2010). In contrast, the new iPhone 4 is not positively received by market consumers due to Apple’s unethical marketing strategies. These unethical marketing activities have generated controversies amongst market consumers whether the new gadget should be preferred over other smart phones. ! An apparent violation of the AMA’s statement of ethics is honesty. It is best demonstrated by the promotion of iPhone 4. The newly launched iPhone 4 have been reported by their users with a problem in reception quality. iPhone 4 has its antenna exposed on the outer rim of the phone which makes it more susceptible to interference. The report by Burrows and Guglielmo (2010) has documented Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, is well aware of the flaw in the design. However, official recognition of the problem only came after significant users have reported iPhone 4’s call quality issue. In this manner, Apple has deceived market consumers into buying iPhone 4. ! Another ethical value that has been undermined by Apple is transparency. The underlying principle of transparency is to take responsible actions in regards to product risks that could affect customers’ evaluation of the product (AMA 2010). Although German and Ogg (2010) state the use of a free bumper case is able to eliminate the call quality issue, Apple’s responses to the crisis is unacceptable. It had tried to minimize its responsibilities in this incident by explicitly saying that other brands also have the antenna issue (Michaluk 2010). It had told customers to hold the iPhone differently in order to avoid the signal drop (Rothman 2010). The denial of responsibilities cannot demonstrate the company to have satisfied transparency in its marketing activities. ! Lastly, Apple has breached citizenship in accordance with the AMA ethical standard. A stress made in citizenship is to â€Å"ensure that trade is fair for all participants, including producers in developing countries†(AMA 2010). Recent incidents in the Foxconn’s factories have exposed Apple’s inability to uphold fairness while dealing with its manufacturer. Seventeen suicides have been attempted by Foxconn workers this year which raise suspicions about the working conditions inside the factories (Tam 2010). Although Foxconn is responsible for the harsh working conditions inside the factories, Apple has aided in the exploitation of labours in China by loosely overseeing its producer. In conclusion, Apple has seriously infringed several ethical standards that are set forth by the American Marketing Association. The company has violated the honesty principle by hiding the flaw in the antenna design and denies the mistake made by the engineering team. It has failed to uphold transparency by denial of responsibilities. Apple has breached citizenship by allowing Foxconn’s exploitation of labours in China. ! The overall failure to defend the marketing ethics has left several black spots on the company’s profile. Apple will need to amend the damages done to its reputation in order to regain consumers’ faith. It should admit the mistakes made in the designing stage and take up the responsibilities by recalling the products for reconfigurations. The company should also exert tighter control over its supply chain to ensure fairness is ! 3 met. Only with such reparations can Apple restore its reputation in the subsequent products sales.
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